X7 # exo-native-widget-4713984-4. Exo-native-widget,/* Due to the regular expression in the front-end loader, a space is required between the class and the comma */# exo-native-widget-4713984-4 of x7.
X7 # exo-native-widget-4713984-4. Exo-native-widget,/* Due to the regular expression in the front-end loader, a space is required between the class and the comma */# exo-native-widget-4713984-4 of x7. exo-native-widget * { box-sizing:border-box; } # exo-native-widget-47 13984-4 of x7。 Exo-native-widget {background color: transparent; Overflow: hide; Maximum width: 100%; Width: 3 15 pixels minimum width: 50px display: embedded-telescopic; Telescopic direction: column; } # exo-native-widget-47 13984-4 of x7。 Foreign-local-widget. exo-native-widget-header {width: initial! Important; Floating: Initial! Important; Blank: nowrap font family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;; Font size: 12px color: # 999999; Display: block; Bottom: 15px row height:15px} # exo-native-widget-4713984-4 of x7. Exotic-local-widget. exo-native-widget-header a {display: flex; justify-content:flex-end; Color: inheritance; Text-Decoration: None; } # exo-native-widget-47 13984-4 of x7。 Exotic-local-widget. exo-native-widget-header span {display: flex; Height: 14px width: 47px left margin: 4px background: rgba (0,0,0,0) URL ("//s3t3d2y8. AFC dn。 Net/widget- brand-logo. Png ") repeatedly scrolls 00/47px14px; } # exo-native-widget-47 13984-4 of x7。 Exotic-local-widget. exo-native-widget-header a: hoverspan {background: rgba (0,0,0,0) URL ("//S3T3D2Y8). AFC dn。 Net/widget- brand-logo-hover. Png ") repeatedly scrolls 00/47px14px; } # exo-native-widget-47 13984-4 of x7。 Exotic-local-component. exo-native-widget-outer-container {display: flex; Flexible packaging: winding; Height: 100%; align-content:space-between; Margin-bottom:-10px; Right margin:-2px; } # exo-native-widget-47 13984-4 of x7。 External-local-part. External-local-widget-external-container EXO-native-widget-item-container {overflow: hidden; Elastic foundation: calculation (100%/ 1); Location: relative; Fill-right: 2px fill-bottom:10px} # exo-native-widget-4713984-4 of x7. External-local-widget. External-native-widget-external-container EXO-native-widget-item-containerA. EXO-native-widget-item,/* Due to the regular expression from the front-end loader, a space is required between the class and the comma */a. exo-native-widget-item: visited {text-declaration. Font series: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;; Font size: 12px color: # 999999; Overflow: hide; Display: flex position: relative; Telescopic direction: column; } # exo-native-widget-47 13984-4 of x7。 External-local-widget. External-native-widget-external-container EXO-native-widget-item-container. EXO-native-widget-item-image-wrapper {position: relative; Floating: left; Width: 100%; Minimum width: automatic; Z index: 2; Elasticity: initial; Height: 100%; } # exo-native-widget-47 13984-4 of x7。 External-local-part. External-local-widget-external-container EXO-native-widget-item-container. EXO-native-widget-item-image-ratio {width:100%; Cushion top: 54.924%; Z index: 1; } # exo-native-widget-47 13984-4 of x7。 External-local-part. External-local-widget-external-container EXO-native-widget-item-container. External-local-part-item-image {background-repeat: not repeat; Background size: 100% automatic; Location: absolute; top:0; Left: 0; Width: 100%; Height: 100%; Transition: background-size 0.3s} # exo-native-widget-4713984-4 of x7. External-local-widget. External-local-widget-external-container EXO-native-widget-item-container. EXO-native-widget-item-image: hover {Background size: 105% automatic; } # exo-native-widget-47 13984-4 of x7。 External-local-part. External-local-widget-external-container EXO-native-widget-item-container. EXO-native-widget-item-content {max-width:100%; Maximum height: 90px overflow: hidden; Location: initial; Right: 0; top:0; Width: 100%; Height: 90px left padding: 0px right padding: 0; Top filling: 10px Bottom filling: 0; Display: block; Text alignment: centered; Elasticity: initial; Location: relative; } # exo-native-widget-47 13984-4 of x7。 Exotic-local-widget. External-native-widget-item-container. Exotic-local-widget-item-content-box {position: absolute; Width: 100%; } # exo-native-widget-47 13984-4 of x7。 Exotic-local-widget. External-native-widget-item-container. Exotic-local-widget-item-title {font-family: arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;; Font size: 15px color: # 000000; Font thickness: normal; Text-Decoration: None; Display: block; Transition: color 0.16s} # exo-native-widget-4713984-4 of x7. Foreign-local-parts. External-local-widget-external-container Exo-native-widget-item-container. Foreign-local-parts-project-content.