This is a Japanese surname. Because of its scarcity, it is a rare surname. According to Japanese big data, Hanyu ranks 1,645th among Japan’s “100 surnames”. There are about 9,800 people in the country, and it is a rare surname. Therefore, based on this number and comparing it with the total population of Japan, we can conclude that its rate is very low and very rare.
Features of the Hanyu surname:
Similar to the Chinese Jiu Li Shiba Zhang, the Japanese Hanyu surname can be divided into big Hanyu and small Hanyu. Because of the same Chinese characters and different Japanese pronunciations, Hanyu (はにゅう, Roman pronunciation: Hanyu, Chinese pronunciation: Hanu), that is, Hanyu original feather accounts for 85% of the total population of the entire surname, and is called Ohanyu, while Hanyu (はぶ, Roman pronunciation: Habu, Chinese pronunciation Habu) only accounts for 15, and is called Xiaohansheng.