If your baby’s birthday is gold, a name expert may suggest that you name your baby with characters that belong to gold in the five elements to remedy the situation. The five-element naming method hopes to use the name to balance the missing five-element attributes in the baby's birth date. For example, when naming a baby who lacks gold in the five elements, you should consider using words that belong to gold as much as possible. Generally speaking, in addition to the characters whose radical is gold, they are metal, and the characters whose radicals are ノ, 口, ji, dao, Ge, dagger, 刂, jade, stone, pan, xi, bei, dui, xin, etc. It is also metal. According to the statistics of "Kangxi Dictionary", there are 1535 Chinese characters in the list of five elements belonging to gold. It is determined based on the imagery of the Book of Changes and the Five Elements attributes of the radicals, not the number of strokes. Below I will explain in detail how to name a person who lacks gold in the five elements.
The five elements of gold characters: 1461
2 The five elements of gold characters are: Dagger Factory Daoer Qi The person enters the tenth
The 3-painted five-element character that belongs to gold is: Cai Cha Chuan Chuan Cun Thousand Blades Three Corpses Xi Xiao
The characters in the 4 paintings with five elements that belong to gold are: Cangche Qiu Geren recognizes the still red Shao Shi Shengshi’s handwritten book
The bar doubles and the heart is tied
The characters of the five elements of the five paintings that belong to gold are: the book is released, the place is lacking, the festival is published, the journal is Qianqian, the Qiongren is thrown and flashed
The history of San Shen Sheng’s lost stone indicates the world’s Shishi, Shuaishuai, Sisi and Situxian. Ya Zha Zhan Zheng
The characters of the 6 five elements belonging to gold are: 伧 Chan Chan 伥伡 Chen Cheng Cheng Chong Chuang Chuang This time Save
I missed it and just ordered the officials to move to the position of Renren, like an umbrella, sweeping the color and hurting the tongue, and designing the temple.
Shishou died in the temple, and sued the old-year-old Sun Chong. Xing Xiongxun patrols the tame
The page drags the yttrium and cuts again in the early morning, and Zhazhong Zhouzhou stands in Zhuangzhuang character
7 paintings with five elements belonging to gold The words are: financial chagrin, noisy, noisy, ardent, late, red, red, early, early
tritium string, pure word, nail, diode, xingruthenium, judge, plan, polonium, grab, forbearance, toughness, cooking and pregnancy.
Delete Shao Shao She She stretched out her voice to know Shou Shu Shu bundle sucking private servants to worship Si Lao Song complain
Intuitive kiss 饩 Department 魭魭Xinxiu Preface 玚Translation Youzao Zhao Zhaozhao Needle Zhizhizhizhuo elbow Help
Grab Zi Zou Zuo Cu Zuo Zuo 缘
8. The five elements that belong to gold are: Participate in the side of the toilet, pull the pulley, pull down the hairpin, and make it happen. 怊娌抻成成
Cheng Chong 逵珌钏珷双thorn璒庚刿刽寯饯金牀剀?卡
剳钋锘婥钥咥璺璺 by the wife 戗戕鄄远青 狠狠青 舕 锟斤拷 锛袗啕Hernia
Shang Shaoshe moaned, Shen gentry reviewed the kidney poems, and the poem actually made the driver begin to drive the situation, test the matter, and receive the uncle's report
Hiss 啕婷倂susuthothotho Rabbit
Zong Zuo Zu Group 捍
9 The five elements of gold characters are: barium residual sympathies ?check chacha 駧觇笢宬ancai wear 舡sore
Hydrogen autumn tamarin velvet soft sand Shan
The sampan is the god of war and the animal is the best, the lion is picking up food and the erosion is the head of the house hunting Shu play
Shuan Shun said that the thought was sent away Although the customs of the old man are chanted, the titanium is shaved and the tungsten is mourned, but the indica is dangerous and Xiang Xiaoxiao
The letter star Xiu Xiu Xiu Xu Xuxu announces the selection of the gorgeous and inferior key Yu Yuzai, how can we blink
Zha felt war Frame Xie Zheng Zheng Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Pull Zi Zizong
Zuzu yesterday 虙祚
10 paintings of five elements belong to gold The characters are: bismuth bowl, peeling cymbal, platinum silkworm cabin, jackal flattery, advocating 鬯, Chao Zizi, 瓓宸椤毤, 锟斤拷, border, 玼, porcelain, brittle, 鎝, withered, Duo, cobalt, pot 剞 p>
Potassium borrows the drama Jun Chun bell rivets molybdenum niobium Ni pinches Nie Pei beryllium promethium dissects the lead money pliers Qian pulls
Please humiliate the weak fan and send the whistle to shoot pregnant thought Wei Shi Shu Shui who 铄鸶婷蛰素狠
铻簇祟harm falcon instigate the embroidery of the falcon and the thallium and tantalum iron stab the way and gouge the turbulent breath mat clam 猃 embroidery
Xiaoxiao Xiaoxiao chest repair sleeve embroidery Xu Zhanxuanxuan died, and he was killed by a man with a yue and a yue.
簰谆caution, 诼izai, 鰰谹鬬, rent a diamond base
11. The five elements of gold characters are: ammonium guessing, shameful, cao, slander, shovel, rampant prostitution, regular compensation
Thulium blocked erbium, deputy chromium, hafnium, filth
Sacrificing silence, scissors, scissors, armor, shackles, rhodium, rate, inscription, mesh, 聊掊淄第圊情铨
The bird, the anaconda, the rubidium, the cesium, the lynx, the merchant, the extravagance, the lynx, the pardoning aunt, the rope, the key, and the selling beast
Lift the title of the ship and the stuffing is like an oblique 偰 Xin provokes a shy owl Su Xiu alcoholic thread continues to turn around 铘 鰒 iridium indium
Silver europium order 啧帻舴 铡蓱村CSA sticks to the relief open 铮 The toe baht is eaten by the comprehensive family.
The characters of the 12 five elements that belong to gold are: 锟斤拷 > The kitchen hoe, the storage, the pan, the window, the cong, the cong, the velvet, the rub, the acne, the mink, the calf, etc.
钒布 cavity poultry 铿揿cyan 蛩阕镕锏铏浵Sans scratching the sister-in-law's shasha shanshan cup
Reward a little she nephew left release posthumous title Shu Shushu millet genus Tax Shunsi 缼缦sou 嗖馊禞
Su 谡磧睃郊笃 for Tongxi 奒舾粞粞霈爈繇缮箷煖zanpe
纺russususu 揎号揄Over-fat Yuyu Yuyu 缊锃锃雳嵳絷鷹 Spider
Casting purple hydra Zun 酢
13. Draw five elements of gold characters It’s: 锛睬粼鼔锵絺庺搊 repay thick sorrow crotch frog young
chu twitch touch 搂 hammer ci ci 跐 hurriedly wear out the wrong technetium ingot du jian 鄜 锢锪 compilation
Key to suppress Jinjing saw gong gong anchor manganese gong 锘锫 dispatch 酊责锔锔锴锴髫
que 缛缛缛盋椡椣五月惃雟蛸鉄霃深慮淹部 Sichuan rats
The number of sleeps is the number of sleeps, the skin is wet, the legs are wet, the legs are wet, and the skin is wet. Xiuxu Xuanyu Xiuyu Germanium Pour Zhen
Zhen ester 烃 awl 锱
14. The five elements of gold characters are: 锴彩凯锸肖锥 Mixed with cicadas, 郝鋋嫦綝酲栠洴
郢摐 Female 骚骢 destroyed emerald, plated and forged, 锄鄄锾锐銐犐, refined, statically gathered, 锌邂锴锂铮
锵锵崱 锹銁遰锲霻銎Ruisai糁缟ItchingSeng酾鄯鶶sworn to lose weight
锹锹锴缍嗾 cough 尳觫 acid tunnel shrinking the child 酴锴苖壣 Fresh needs to be made by Yu Zang suffered
谮 Spider 梭碡祥粽甔
The characters of the 15 five elements that belong to gold are: pound 艑锔锈耯艖廛麨缋漤褤瘛憧贔 p>
锗勇獍獁咁conggine vinegar 璗燰锘锘獇獍镏镕镕镕锛锛陙fun髯
靾镇糅褥馓缉缮奭饭祭簋狋狋hee Knee Siam 凇啒哓蝓
鋆糌赜hatizen缵簵簰碛 impact the building and follow the rules 癙嘬
16. Draw five elements of gold characters It's: Ao 铚 escort meal cao rough 鹨 pomfret cloak 鋹踸瘳混跹膪
贴鞳踳鉉鹾?hatsu mirror trowel mu temporal 缱筰筰粂confucian thi颢捆穇燇Good meal
17. The five-element gold character is: rub 縨稨瞬艚嚓 鳿锟鍤歜鈜镳镕镦crest The needle suddenly gazes
The characters in the 18th five-element painting are gold: 銊鞞饥襜箟鄭鉟鹮鹮陙筭符鞣韮雟雹雰bracelet mane p>
19. The five elements of gold are drawn as follows: 鏖锲谶贴贿襥襦醯
20. The five elements of gold are drawn The characters are: 稨鰆黩鐍鐻颥碥簻馰禺纺琺心璒
Cao Zhong
21 The five-element gold characters are: Stupid marrow
22. The word that represents gold in the five elements is: 鵵 inset
23. The word that represents gold in the five elements is: 鼷豚豱
The word 24 that represents the five elements of gold is: Chu Xin
The character that represents the five elements that represent gold 25 is :呶Previous page 1 2
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