What are some high-end and foreign-style company names that use English homophones?

With the internationalization of the world economy, English has become a very frequently used meaning, and some foreign companies have set up companies in China. Choosing company names with English homophonics can help people understand them better, such as Sina, Baidu, Wanda, etc. They are all high-end and foreign-style, which is more conducive to people's memory.

Now is the era of international development. If every company wants to become bigger and stronger, it is essential to have a nice and meaningful English name. In addition to ensuring superior quality, it can also enable the company to quickly open the market, stand out from the competition, and have broader development prospects.

Complete list of Chinese and English homophonic names

bonkenDelenoDelenofreshshichangXianshichangAsemyuzheyuzheddondatangallmilmogeoffulelayoulilaiperfsopufeisoowisunoWiesennowilkTaixingheojeoHongjihedeleandLeLenaLingnameanreliefpurelifeKayeyearExcelleyescomyescomYiketopowerToppingbetterBortelAna heimAnaheimximengStormtimeStormTimesnewrgynewregsuperfitShubofuGeorgezwinzYayiourLovereginoxCrownseenersuong爱博dhihoyuhaduohexinghexingyeatsyinyidianjanezhiZhenZhiweekingweikangleading Lidetai medialine famous music reputation JamieJamiesunroyalsainruhuarefineRuifeng toyartuoyuanshinyokSaiaolangallyEllieireneEllie brillianceEmbraceGibbssunporXinpuruglionsGelinesjoruiamcorDingguo MuronggeshineGreenImported lily Lili

Short and stylish English company name

jeanLanoleloNoulilangstarbanner Represent Bologni Bao Polo ateckWeitesunovi Zhong Yi Zhongyi Ke Rui Ke Rui Huo Yang Haoyang moco Hua Tianneng theeahead Top Yuhenga center Osenteseung Wangchengguang Zoenova Zhuo Naiwei invech Yiweinoblefu Margot Fitch Asia Pacific Home Wen Hao literary giant landsh blue Shi HUSDow Huissa more Miki creative alulux Love HouseduvinduweiyiLynn Hua Hua Lin leri LiriKenKenForestD eepForestpoweroyPaiweidorisunZhong DingSunriseyuderJudah fenstyFensidimiomioBeautyKayfiakaifiyaDMIS多美诗maytoMaxtorKatyfetarFeidaontiRoyhonfiasFeiyatostaTuoshidaBingoBingoleandyLi Cui CeWingtonleaBredawardLiGLOLingjiefiberFeiBeialeatyDizorgonzhouGuanawinAiWenadvamAngmiluyolayorLeiYueGoodaBeslaBeslaGanxiXinGuanbaytaBeiTuoLugarLugarfaslyFashilikiasKayasDiasyDiasyDiashiThe above is the full content of naming the company with English homophony, hope