What kind of joke is Gan?

Nowadays, Internet terms are gradually becoming more diverse, and various meanings are emerging one after another. Many times, it is difficult to understand what it means when you first contact it, causing you to feel confused when others say these Internet buzzwords in front of you. Know how to answer awkward situations.

As a popular Internet slang in 2020, the word "gan" is very popular. So what does it mean? It must have aroused the curiosity of many people.

The word "gan" first appeared in "Shuowen Jiezi". The explanation is that water seeps into the boat. Duan Yucai also noted: "When water enters the boat, it must come from me (the seam of the boat)." Enter. Gan means "soaked in reason".

The reason why the word "gan" became popular on the Internet is because its pronunciation is "gan", which is the same as another four-syllable word. The pronunciation of the Chinese character "gan" is an effect, because netizens are ridiculing and purifying the Internet environment. Nowadays, the word "gan" has replaced the word "gan" in netizens' mouths.

This is "gan". The first reason why the word "gan" became popular on the Internet, so why is it the word "gan" with the same pronunciation and not something else?

There are also many inevitabilities and accidents. What if it were changed to another one? I think everyone will have this question. As for why it became popular, it can be said that this word is lucky to a large extent, and the inevitable reason is that it is more beautiful!

Three points of water plus a "金". Before this Chinese character became popular, many people didn't actually know this character, and the editor's name happened to have this character in it. I remember when I was studying, the teacher directly added "金" It is really embarrassing to pronounce the character "gan" as the character "金".

One of the advantages of becoming popular now is that people with this character in their names no longer have to worry about others pronouncing it wrong!

With the widespread use of the word "金", its curse word meaning has gradually weakened, and it has developed into a mocking word. In many cases, friends also like to use this word among themselves. To express your own life, for example, if you put the word "gan" at the beginning or end of your circle of friends, it is actually more humorous.