Ask Steve Chou (Xiao Gang) 1992 version of Hasa Aceh!

New departure from Steve Chou, Kazakhstan 1995

: 82/ sec/8248B8C78A17C5B37EE69A0AB173208a/4A5B12fb/MP3K90/C9/40879 _ 480623.mp3? Center = Hz170&; uid= 1358964234。 fid = 480623 & ampsite = 135 & amp; listen

/search? search = % E5 % 93% 88% E8 % 90% A8 % E9 % 9B % 85% E7 % 90% AA % 20% E5 % BF % 83% E5 % 87% BA % E5 % 8F % 9 1 & amp; id=0

The world of flowers and flowers in Xiaogang 1992

:82/sec/4b 9ed 2 1 b5 ad 04 CB 77 deaf 49 C2 f 09 1203/4a 5b 1443/k80/a7/3825 _ 3972 1 . WMA? Center = Hz170&; uid= 1358964234。 fid=3972 1。 site = 135 & amp; listen

I think you still want the 95 version.

Baidu has the following

Steve Chou, I am with you.

Hasa Yaqi Xiaogang can't tell you how much he loves her.