The horoscope of your son is: Yiwei, Xinsi, Gengyin, Wuyin. There are two metals, three wood, one fire, two earth, and the five elements are short of water. Geng gold in April means longevity in Si. There is ammonium and acrylic in it which does not melt gold, and acrylic can also be used. But first use Renshui to neutralize it. Next, take Wu earth and Bing fire to accompany it. All three are perfect, and the subject is first and third. Even if it is one or two, it is not white. In the horoscope, Wu soil comes out, and there is Binghuo Zangsi branch. If there is a lack of water, it means a lack of joy and energy. Give it a name. "Zi" is the first of the earthly branches, and the five elements belong to water (Guishui).
Possible names: Kuang Zihan (Han, meaning numerous, vast.)
Kuang Zihao (Hao, meaning huge water potential.)
Kuang Zihong (Hong means deep and wide water.)
Kuang Zichun (Chun means simple and honest.)
For reference.