In 645 BC, a war broke out between the Qin and Jin Dynasties over the territory of Hexi. The battle took place in Hanyuan, west of the Yellow River, and was known as the "Battle of Hanyuan" in history. This was the first armed conflict after the "Qin and Jin Dynasties". Both sides could not bear it anymore and had no choice but to fall out. Duke Hui of Jin asked his ministers: "The people of Qin came to our territory to act wild. How can we teach them a lesson?" Qing Zheng said: "That's all because, my lord, you are dishonest and go back on your word, so people come to attack you. ! You should apologize to them and ask for peace..."
Hui Gong said angrily: "I am a powerful country, why are you afraid of them? Come on! Cut off Qing Zheng's arm first! Guys with elbows turned outward always get in trouble with others!" All the officials advised: Kill the general before sending troops, which will be detrimental to the army. Duke Hui said bitterly, "Qing Zheng!" I will spare your life for now. If you dare not fight with my heart, be careful of your head! The horse driven by Duke Hui of Jin was named "Xiaosi", which was a gift given to him by the monarch of Zheng. This kind of horse is very beautiful, with small stature, lustrous coat and comfortable gait. It is a highly ornamental pet horse. Hui Ping loved it very much, so he drove this kind of horse to fight.
Qing Zheng also advised him: "When going to war, you must use your own country's horses. Only local horses that are born and raised can be driven easily, know the road well, remain calm when encountering changes, and are always willing to do what they want. Today, you go up I'm afraid it's not good for you to use this kind of showmanship on the battlefield." Hui Gong shouted: "Shut up your crow mouth! If you dare to speak more, you will be killed!" In the Spring and Autumn Period, there were generally five steps in the process of sending troops to fight. Each link is: sacrifice, divination, greeting the teacher, offering victory, and drinking. Sacrifice means that before going out to war, you must first report to the ancestors of heaven and earth to ask for the blessings of the gods. Divination means predicting the outcome of a war, planning battle plans, and choosing the best time.
Xianjie means that after the battle, everyone comes to report their merits and donate the captured people and materials. After drinking, they go back to hold a celebration banquet and reward each other according to their merits. Everyone will not return until they are drunk. Among these links, the one that is directly related to the outcome of the entire war is "divination". Divination was extremely important in the wars of the Spring and Autumn Period, and not just anyone could hold this important position. It can be said that the fortune tellers at that time were mostly a combination of scientists, mathematicians, historians and primitive wizards. Because a fortune teller must not only have mysterious powers of foresight, but also have rational analysis and judgment, as well as extremely high prestige and incitement.