How can I delete all the useless junk files on my computer?


1. Open "My Computer" - "Tools" - "Folder Options" - "View" - in front of the "Show all files and folders" option Tick ??- "OK"

2. Clean up the temporary files first, because they also take up a certain amount of space. And increases daily:

x:\Documents and Settings\username\Cookies\All files under (retain the index file)

x:\Documents and Settings\username\ All files under Local Settings\Temp\ (user temporary files)

All files under x:\Documents and Settings\username\LocalSettings\TemporaryInternet Files\ (page files)

All files under x:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\History\ (history)

All files under x:\Documents and Settings\username\Recent\ (recently viewed shortcut to the file)

All files (temporary files) under x:\WINDOWS\Temp\

x:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles (backup files after upgrading sp1 or sp2)

Compressed files under x:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386 (driver backup files)

All files under x:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\download

3. If the system has been upgraded with windoes update, delete the following files:

Hidden files starting with $u... under x:\windows\

4 .Then defragment the disk. During the defragmentation process, please exit all running programs

5. After defragmentation, open "Start" - "Programs" - "Accessories" - "System Tools" - "System "Restore" - "Create a restore point" (it is best to use the date at that time as the name of the restore point)

6. Open "My Computer" - right click on the system disk - "Properties" - "Disk Cleanup" ”-“Other options”-click “Clean” in the System Restore column-select “Yes”-ok

7. After various software and hardware are installed properly, XP actually needs to update files. There is very little time. Delete the system backup file: Start → Run → sfc.exe /purgecache nearly 3xxM. (The function of this command is to immediately clear the "Windows File Protection" file cache and release the space it occupies)

8. Delete the dll file under \windows\system32\dllcache (minus 200— —300mb), this is the backup dll file. As long as you have copied the installation file, you can do this. If you delete it like this, you have nothing to say.

9. XP will automatically back up the hardware driver. However, after the hardware driver is installed correctly, it is generally unlikely to change the hardware, so you can also consider deleting this backup. The file is located in \windows\ In the driver cache\i386 directory, the name is You can just delete it directly. Usually this file is 74M.

10. Delete unused input methods: For many netizens, not all the input methods that come with the Windows XPt system are suitable for their use, such as IMJP8_1 Japanese input method and IMKR6_1 Korean input method. method, we can delete it if it is no longer needed. The input method is located in the \windows\ime\ folder and takes up 88M of space.

11. After the upgrade is completed, it is found that windows\ has many more directories similar to $NtUninstallQ311889$. Get rid of them all, 1x-3xM

12. In addition, keep the \windows\help directory The thing is a kind of harm to me, haha. . . Get rid of them all!

13. Turn off system restore: If the system restore function is used for a long time, it will take up a lot of hard disk space. Therefore, it is necessary to set it manually to reduce the hard disk usage. Open the "System Properties" dialog box, select the "System Restore" option, and select the "Turn off System Restore on all drives" checkbox to turn off System Restore. You can also restore only the disk or partition where the system is located. First select the partition where the system is located, click the "Configure" button, cancel the "Turn off system restore for this drive" option in the pop-up dialog box, and set the amount of disk space used for system restore. (Generally speaking, the system restore function is good. It is recommended to use other disks except the disk where XP is installed. If there is not enough space on the hard disk one day, you can delete some earlier restore points through the system cleanup program) p>

14. The hibernation function will take up a lot of hard disk space. If you use it sparingly, you might as well turn off the ***. The method to turn it off is: open the "Control Panel", double-click "Power Options", and click on the pop-up " In the Power Options Properties dialog box, select the Hibernation tab and clear the Enable Hibernation checkbox.

15. Uninstall uncommon components: XP installs some system components for the operating system by default, and a large part of these components are impossible for you to use. You can use "Add/Remove Windows Components" to uninstall them. But some of the components are hidden by XP by default, and they cannot be found in "Add/Remove Windows Components". You can do this: Use Notepad to open the \windows\inf\sysoc.inf file and use Find/Replace Function replaces all "hide" characters in the file with empty spaces. In this way, the hidden attributes of all components are removed. After saving and exiting, run "Add-Remove Programs" and you will see many more options that you could not see before. Delete those components that you do not need. (Remember to save it as sysoc.inf instead of the default sysoc.txt when saving), such as Internat messenger service, fax service, Windows messenger, code table, etc., which can free up nearly 50MB of space.

16. Clear system temporary files: System temporary files are generally stored in two locations: one is the Temp folder in the Windows installation directory; the other is x:\Documents and Settings\"Username" \Local Settings\Temp folder (Y: is the partition where the system is located). Files in both locations can be deleted directly.

17. Clear temporary Internet files: Regularly deleting a large number of temporary Internet files generated while surfing the Internet will save a lot of hard disk space. Open the IE browser, select "Internet Options" from the "Tools" menu, select the "General" tab in the pop-up dialog box, click the "Delete Files" button in the "Temporary Internet Files" column, and select " In the Delete Files dialog box, select the Delete all offline content checkbox and click the OK button.

18. Clear pre-read files: Although Windows XP’s pre-read settings can improve system speed, after a period of use, the number of files in the pre-read folder will become quite large, resulting in system search costs. time becomes longer. Moreover, some applications will generate dead link files, which will increase the burden of system search. Therefore, these read-ahead files should be deleted regularly. The files are expected to be stored in the Prefetch folder of the Windows XP system folder, and all files in this folder can be deleted.

19. Compress NTFS drives, files or folders: If your hard drive uses the NTFS file system and space is really tight, you can also consider enabling the NTFS compression function.

Right-click the drive you want to compress - "Properties" - "General" - "Compress disk to save disk space", then click "OK" and select the required options in "Confirm property changes". This saves approximately 20% of hard drive space. When compressing the C drive, it is best to compress in safe mode, so the effect is better.

20. Close Dr. Watson: To close Dr. Watson, open the registry editor, find the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug" branch, and double-click the Auto key under it. Value name, change its "numeric data" to 0, and finally press F5 to refresh to make the settings take effect, thus canceling its operation. Also enter the "drwtsn32" command in "Start"->"Run", or "Start"->"Programs"->"Accessories"->"System Tools"->"System Information"->"Tools"-> "Dr Watson", call up Dr. Watson, the Chinese doctor in the system, and only keep the "dump all thread context" option. Otherwise, once the program goes wrong, the hard disk will take a long time to read and occupy a lot of space. If this has happened before, please search for the user.dmp file and delete it to save dozens of MB of space.

21. Turn off remote desktop: "My Computer" -> "Properties" -> "Remote", uncheck "Allow users to connect to this computer remotely" in "Remote Desktop".

22. Cancel XP support for ZIP: Windows XP turns on support for zip files by default, which takes up a certain amount of system resources. You can select "Start → Run" in the "Run" dialog box Type "regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll" and press Enter to confirm to cancel XP's support for ZIP decompression, thereby saving system resources.

23. Turn off error reporting: When an application error occurs, a window for sending an error report will pop up. In fact, such error reports are almost meaningless to ordinary users, so closing it is a wise choice. Select the "Advanced" tab in the "System Properties" dialog box, click the "Error Report" button, in the pop-up "Error Report" dialog box, select the "Disable Error Reporting" single option, and finally click "OK". Can. In addition, we can also turn off error reporting from Group Policy: type "gpedit.msc" from "Run", run "Group Policy Editor", expand "Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → System → Error Reporting Features", double-click the setting on the right "Report Errors" in the column, select the "Disabled" radio button in the pop-up "Properties" dialog box to disable "Report Errors".

24. Turn off unused devices: Windows XP always tries its best to install and manage drivers for all devices on the computer. This will not only slow down the system startup speed, but also cause a waste of system resources. Lots of occupancy. In response to this situation, you can disable uncommon devices such as PCMCIA cards, modems, infrared devices, printer ports (LPT1) or serial ports (COM1) in the device manager by double-clicking the device you want to disable. Select "Do not use this device (disable)" on the "General" tab in its properties dialog box. The settings will take effect after a reboot, and enable them from Device Manager when you need to use these devices.

25. Clean system restore points regularly: Open Disk Cleanup, select other options->Clean system restore points, and click Clean.

26. Uninstall unnecessary programs. I don’t need to say more about this.

27. Delete redundant fonts: It is recommended to keep only a few commonly used fonts. Keep Arial, Marlett, TimeNewRoman, Micosoft Scans Serif Regular, MingLiUPmingLiU, Modern, MSOutlook, MS Serif8/10/12, Script, SimSun&&NsimSun, Tahoma, Song Dynasty and the like in c:\\Windows\\Fonts.

27. Other optimizations: a. Install the application software on another hard drive (do not install it on the system disk. This is also good for reinstalling the system and can save a lot of work); b. Move the "My Documents" file Transfer all folders to other partitions: Right-click the mouse on the "My Documents" icon on the desktop and select "Properties"->"Move"; c. Transfer all IE temporary folders to other partitions: Open the IE browser and select "Tools"->"Internet Options"->"General"->"Settings"->"Move Folder"; d. Transfer the virtual memory to other hard disks; e. Point the pagefile.sys files to one place: Control Panel →System→Performance—Advanced→Virtual Memory→Change, pay attention to the key points "Settings" to take effect; f Right-click the mouse on the "My Computer" icon on the desktop, select "Properties"->"Advanced-Performance Settings"- >"Advanced - Virtual Memory", adjust to 330-720. And regular cleaning 2. You can download a Kingsoft Guardian, the cleaning inside is particularly good 3. @echo offecho is cleaning the system junk files, please wait... del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.tmpdel /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*._mpdel /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.logdel /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.giddel /f /s /q %systemdrive%\* .chkdel /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.olddel /f /s /q %systemdrive%\recycled\*.*del /f /s /q %windir%\*.bakdel /f /s /q %windir%\prefetch\*.*rd /s /q %windir%\temp & md %windir%\tempdel /f /q %userprofile%\cookies\*.*del /f /q %userprofile%\recent\ *.*del /f /s /q "%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\*.*"del /f /s /q "%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temp\*.*"del /f /s /q "%userprofile%\recent\*.*"echo Cleaning up system garbage is completed! echo. & pause Save the above content in Notepad, name the file One-Click Cleanup System Junk File and change the file suffix to .bat and double-click it to automatically clean it up.