English grammar classifies and summarizes attributive clauses.
Attributive clauses are used as attributes in sentences to modify nouns or pronouns, and the modified nouns, phrases or pronouns are antecedents. Attributive clauses usually appear after antecedents and are guided by relative words (relative pronouns or adverbs).
Relative pronouns are: who who, who, who, who, that, which, etc.
Relative adverbs include: when, where and why.
Attributive clause guided by relative pronouns
The antecedents replaced by relative pronouns are pronouns of nouns or people or things, which act as subjects, objects, attributes and other components in sentences. When a relative pronoun is used as the subject in an attributive clause, the person and number of the predicate verb of the clause should be consistent with the antecedent.
1) So-and-so
The antecedents replaced by these words are human nouns or pronouns, which play the following roles in clauses:
Is he the man who wants to see you? Is he the man who wants to see you? (who/that is the subject in the clause)
He is the man whom I saw yesterday. He is the man whom I saw yesterday. (whom/that is the object in the clause)
2) Whose?
Used to refer to people or things, (only used as an attribute, if referring to things, it can also be interchanged with of which), for example:
They rushed to help the man whose car broke down. The man's car broke down and everyone ran to help.
Please pass me the book with a green cover. Please pass me the green book.
3) which one, that one
The antecedents they replace are nouns or pronouns of things, which can be used as subjects and objects in clauses, such as:
There has been unprecedented prosperity in this country. There has been unprecedented prosperity in the countryside. (which/which is the object in the sentence)
The package you are holding is about to open. The bag you are carrying is going to be scattered. (which/which is the object in the sentence)
Attributive clause guided by relative adverbs
The antecedents that relative adverbs can replace are time, place or cause nouns, which are used as adverbials in clauses.
(time, place and reason)
Relative adverbs when, where and why are equivalent to the structure of "preposition +which", so they are often used interchangeably with the structure of "preposition +which", for example:
When one has to give in, there will always be accidents. Everyone gives in sometimes.
Beijing is the place where I was born. Beijing is my birthplace.
Is this the reason why he refused our proposal? Is that why he refused us to help him?
2) Substitute relative adverbs
That can be used to replace when, where, why and attributive clauses guided by "preposition +which" after nouns indicating time, place, way and reason. That is often omitted in spoken English, for example:
His father died in the year when he was born. His father died in the year when he was born.
He is unlikely to find the place where he lived forty years ago. He is unlikely to find the place where he lived forty years ago.
English Grammar Classifying and Summarizing Adverbial Clauses
Clauses that play an adverbial role in a sentence are called adverbial clauses. Adverbial clauses are guided by subordinate conjunctions.
Adverbial clauses can be divided into:
Adverbial clause of time:
When Susan goes to town, she will visit her grandmother.
Whenever Susan goes to town, she always visits her grandmother.
Adverbial clause of place:
I will go where I am needed.
I'll go wherever I'm needed.
Modal adverbial clause:
I have changed it according to your suggestion.
I have made the modification according to your suggestion.
Cause adverbial clause:
Mary didn't go shopping because I advised her not to.
Mary didn't go shopping because I advised her not to.
Adverbial clause of purpose:
They worked hard to succeed.
They work hard in order to succeed.
Adverbial clause of result:
Waste must be treated so as not to endanger life.
Waste must be treated so that it will not become a life-threatening thing.
Conditional adverbial clause:
If he works hard, he is sure to succeed.
If he works hard, he is sure to succeed.
Adverbial clause:
Although we are all different, we never need to be apart.
Although we are different, we will never be apart.
Comparative adverbial clause:
I have never been happier than I am now.
This is the happiest time of my life.
English Grammar Classifying and Summarizing Nominal Clauses
A sentence that functions as a noun in a sentence is called a noun clause. The function of a noun clause is equivalent to a noun phrase, which can act as subject, object, predicative, appositive and prepositional object in a compound sentence. Therefore, according to their different grammatical functions in sentences, nominal clauses can be called subject clauses, object clauses, predicative clauses and appositive clauses respectively.
Connectives that lead to noun clauses can be divided into three categories:
Conjunction: that, whether, if (not as any part of the clause)
Conjunctive pronouns: what, anyway, who, who, who, who, which.
Connective adverbs: when, where, how and why
An unsolvable conjunction:
The conjunction after 1. preposition
2. The conjunctions leading the subject clause and appositive clause cannot be omitted.
She was chosen to make us very happy.
We heard the news that our team won.
Comparing what with if is "whether". However, when cannot be replaced by if in the following cases:
1. Whether to guide the subject clause and start the sentence.
2. Guide predicative clauses
3.Where clause as prepositional object
There is "or not" after the clause, for example, it is not clear whether he will come or not.
Most subject clauses guided by conjunctions can be placed at the end of the sentence, with it as the formal subject:
It doesn't matter who goes.
It is not known which team will win the game.