Porcelain Seal, Porcelain Autumn, it is recommended that the trademark name should be two or three words
Trademark registration requires two steps: query and submit application
Trademark registration Time
1. The Trademark Office issues an acceptance notice in about 1 month;
2. The preliminary review announcement period is 3 months;
3. The entire trademark registration process is completed. It takes about 12 months;
4. Our company will notify customers of the latest progress of trademark applications every 6 months;
5. In addition to the preliminary review announcement period of 3 months, Except for the statutory time limit, other times are estimates, because the law does not clearly stipulate the completion time of trademark review, and the final time is subject to the completion time of the Trademark Office.
Trademark registration documents
1. Legal person’s name: copy of business license, clear trademark logo, application form, power of attorney.
2. Personal name: copy of ID card, copy of individual business license, clear trademark logo, application form, power of attorney.