The name change card is half price, please guys come up with a name for the bot lane AD. Xia. ember. Vayne. Wait, wait, it’s poetic, that’s fine LOL

Jin: The killing before dawn, art Jin stops the noise

Xia: The sky is full of flying feathers, and the feathers will cut through the stars

Vayne: Impure fools( Dirty idiot, said when VN is turned on)

RYL丶UZI (Nothing represents this hero more than this ID)

Godkiller, Vayne (his English Name)

Hunter in the Dark

Soak in my Holy Silver Bar

The deal is done (that’s what I said when VN was opened... it’s your time to die. Meaning)

Lucian: Death is knocking on the door, the hotbed under the holy spear, the cold holy light