Some names that sound good in English include Prater, ayliff, Asisa, etc.
1. The phonetic symbol of Prater is ['pre?t?], which is pronounced as Prater in Chinese. When added in front of the name, the overall look is very beautiful and simple. In addition, this English name has many good features. The impression symbolizes women's single-mindedness and majesty. Prater originates from English, and this name is super popular abroad. Pratt meant to be ahead of the curve.
2. The pronunciation of the name ayliff is ['eilif], which is loud and easy to read. For girls, the English name ayliff is added in front of the name, which shows the neat characteristics of girls and also means that the children are neat and smart. .
3. Asisa is a name for a little girl. It sounds easy to pronounce and loud. As an English name for a little girl, it means that she is charming, happy, sincere, and romantic. Turn people.
Introduction to English names:
1. The English name is English name. English names are more popular in various countries. There is wider communication in the world. Having an English name facilitates communication.
2. The general structure of an English name is: first name, middle name, surname. Such as William.Jafferson.Clinton. But on many occasions, the middle name is often omitted, such as George.Bush.
3. And many people prefer to use nicknames instead of formal given names, such as Bill.Clinton. The above Christian name and middle name are also called personal names. According to the custom of English-speaking people, when a baby is baptized, the priest or parents, relatives and friends usually give it a name, which is called the Christian name. In the future, I can use a second name after my given name.