What are the words next to the handle that are suitable for naming?

A name is a code name that accompanies a child throughout his or her life. When naming their children, parents will consider the child’s birth date and the words used by the zodiac sign, hoping to give their children a nice and auspicious name. So how should we name the zodiac sign that uses the words next to the handle? What kind of words next to the handle should be compared when naming? Let’s find out together. Details 01

Appreciation of the words next to the handle

Pull, this is a verb, which can be understood as an action when two people have some physical conflict, which can be caused by a To urge off, the meaning of breaking. The word pull has different meanings when used in different places, such as holding hands, between men and women, between male and female friends, if men and women often hold hands, it can represent a sweet feeling. But if the word combination is "poop", it will suddenly change the style of the picture, making people feel embarrassed and embarrassed, so many people will avoid such expressions and use more euphemistic expressions, such as "going to the bathroom" , please wait for your convenience.

Qie, this is also a verb. If you look at the radicals separately, the right side is the word "concubine". In ancient times, Qie means little wife. The side can be understood as hand, so the meaning of the whole word can mean that holding the little wife by the hand can imply an intimate relationship. There is a word called "picking up" from ancient times to the present. "picking up" means to welcome, to go somewhere to do something cautiously but happily. Of course, nowadays, we can also mean "taking over", which means taking a shift, and "receiving", which is a verb to welcome guests, can also be expressed as "direct", which is an adverb, and can also mean a " connect". When combined with different characters, they have different interpretations, which further reflects the breadth and depth of Chinese characters.

Support, this is a verb, which means "support", "own", "swarm" and "crowd". "Hug" actually means "hug". "Hug" is also a word with a handle. "Hug" can also be expressed as a kind of "complaining" and "apologizing". There is a kind of "because of something". It means to feel bad about something. The word "hug" can be understood as hugging someone with your hands and wrapping them up.

Push, this is still a verb, it can mean applying force outward with your hands to make an object move. You can form words such as "promote", "advance", "promote", "recommend", etc. Among them, promotion and recommendation have the meaning of publicity, and promotion means that a certain thing or a thing can be organized in an orderly manner. To proceed, push can mean rejecting others, and push can mean moving an object.

2 >

The total number of strokes is 6: To sweep, skew, expand, buckle, defend, carry, carry, and lift. batch, grab, harass, express, throw, reject, skill, report, copy, pull, shake, hold, support, care, hold, hold, hold, support, care, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, support, care, hold, hold, hold 抜扷

The total number of strokes is 8: thumb smear, smear, block, twist, twist, beat, pierce, pull, pull, pick, pull, mix, hold, pluck, stretch, draw, bear, whisk, twist, twist, tongs, 抮拋拋 拡抺抩抳抷抾抭抰抧拞拀把把抯剋戦拋拋拋拋把抋拋拋拋拋拋抴抋拋

The total number of strokes is 9: pick tart, tie, wipe, pick up, fight, dig, dig. 挜drag拶moving拋拌挌挌挌拋拋挌挌挌匌挌挌挒挘挌挋挌拪挌拹拓挌拋拌拌戌暌戌挌拋拌挌挌挌挌挌< /p>

Total strokes 10: During the damage, the 捝 捝 捝 捝 挹 挹 挹 捘 /捘 捌 捌 捌 捌 捄挶 捄挶 捄挶 捄挶 捃 捚捁 捔 捜 捜 捖捤 捙 捖捤 捙 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捖捤 捑挸揤捌捌捌捌捠挌捗insert戈挰捇捀捊

The total number of strokes is 11: 掂 pinch 掊holding row 掻掺掺掺掺枺枞修捴戶掖cover 掴掎掞 掳掆掎掎掎掎掎掚掎掎掎掰掎掚掎掎掎掎掎掎掎捍捳捍捥捍掎掎掎掎掎掎掎掎Shecaihao 揎描揁捌掎捹 搽提描提描描揋描描揼揼揶揖描support描揸描描描描描戏揷 Yang

The total number of strokes is 13: 搠搅 搐搡拋混综合搐搐恐搐搘昐昷外围 搼搈摉搷搐搐搐搐搟Shake 搣搐搐搣搙搐搣拙搐掴掳栎掬掴搹摓搐搚搩涶 Structure The total number of strokes is 15: Capture, tear, write, collide, press, scratch, hold, pry, twist, broadcast, remove, support, hold, pick, hold, push, push, push, push, push, push, push, push, push, push <>

Total strokes 16: 撽 撽 擞 擞 擞 擞 擞 擞 擗 擗 擗 擓擐 擓擐 擓擐 撢撘 撢撘 撢撘 擌擃 擝擳擭擜 擝擳擭擜 擙擈擉 擙擈擉

Total Number of strokes 17: 毈TWIST


The total number of strokes is 18: 撸撔擅撷撵攔擹擹擵擓渓擶

The total number of strokes is 19: 撸攌攔攔攔攔攔攔攚< /p>

The total number of strokes is 20: push, hold, hold, hold, hold, and hold.

The total number of strokes is 21: gather together and carry the hand.

The total number of strokes is 22: hold. Tan攞攟栠

Total number of strokes 23: 攔攔攨

Total number of strokes 24: 攔攟 Total number of strokes 25: 攮03

Strokes Chinese pinyin strokes Chinese character pinyin

cai cái 扌shǒu zā,zhá,zhā bɑ,pá dá,dǎ pū throw rēng 扐lè 払fǎn 扏qiú 扖hɑ me ru 扱chā carry gāng,káng 扢gē defend hàn buckle kòu expand kuò 扪mén 扦qiān sweep sào,sǎo Tuo tuō 扤wù Yang yáng hold zhí fork chā 扡tuō 扥dèn 扚diǎo 扝yū 扨sɑ te 扟shēn 扜yū扗zài 扙zhàng pull bà,bǎ bān,pān pretend to be bàn report bào 抃biàn copy chāo pull chě 扽dèn shake dǒu pinchě support fú carefǔ protect hù skill jì resist jù 扉jué resist kàng 抠kōu 抡lún,lūn quasi nǐ twist niǔ throw pāo criticize pī抔póu rob qiǎng,qiāng disturb rǎo fold shé,zhé,zhē express shū throw tóu 抟tuán 抏wán 抆wěn 旊yì 抈yuè find zhǎo 扺zhǐ catch zhuā 拋ǎo 扷bā 抜bɑ 抌dǎn 抙pó u 抅jū 抇hú 扴jiá 抸jiā 扻 zhì 抂kuáng 抐nè 扲qián 抋qìn 扸xī 抁yǎn 扵yú 抎yǔn 抣yun 択ze 抍zhěng 拗ào,ǎo,niù pul bá mix bàn,pàn,pān hold bào stir bō ā,chāi 抻chēn 抶chì PUSH chōu carry dàn,dān arrive dǐ whisk fú 拋fǔ turn guǎi pick jiǎn restrain jū pull lá,lǎ,lā block lán carry līn gather lǒng wipe mā,mò,mǒ lick mǐn thumb mǔ 拈niān twist níng,nìng,nǐng pat pāi fight pàn,pīn criticize pēng PI pī 抪pū 拤qiá clamp qián extend tà,tuò lift tái drag tuō press yā support yōng choose zé,zhái 拃zhǎ move zhāo 拄zhǔ 拋zhuō 抴yè throw pāo 拕tuō 拋bài抦bǐng 拀zhù 拞 dǐ

抲hē 拋jiā 拋jù 拋kuò 抺mèi 抩nán 抳nǐ 抷pī 抾qū 抭yǎo 抰yāng 抯zhā 抧zhǐ 抮zhěn pressàn hold chí block dàng,dǎng 描dòng挌gé arch gǒng hang guà wave huī squeeze jǐ 挢jiǎo 戎jié 掎kǎo 掎kuà kuò scratch náo move nuó pin pīn pick up shè,shí wipe shì tie shuān 枞tà pick tiǎo,tiāo tǐng dig wā Lao wō,zhuā 挦xián 揟xié 挜yà pull yè,zhuài,zhuāi 拶zā , zǎn 挌zhā earn zhèng, zhēng save zhěng refer to zhǐ 挀bāi 挷bàng 拋cè 拸yí 拵cún 挃zhì 挕dié 挅duò 挆duǒ 挄kuò 拋hén 拋huī 挍ji ào 挌jué 挒liè 挘lie ri 挔lǚ 捛lǚ 拋 nǐn 挊nòng 拪qiān 挻shān 拹xié 捓yé 挧yǔ 挋zhèn endure ái,āi 捌bā catch bǔ frustrate cuò pound dǎo defend hàn change huàn pick up jiǎn 捄jū 挶jū donate juān 捃jù n bundle kǔn lāo stroke lǚ,luō pinch niē nuo ruó 掎shào,shāo loss sǔn tǒng 捝tuō 捍n cover wǔ 挹yì sensitize zhèn,zhèn catch zhuō 捘zùn get nòng 扌xié 挱suō 挮tǐ 捠bāng 挌bó 捗b ù insert chā 捈tú 挰chéng 捇huò 捀 péng 捊póu 捭gěng 揤jí 捸jiǎn 捁jiǎo 捔jué 挳kēng 挴měi 捒shù 捩tuō 捜sōu 捖wán 捤wei 捙yè 捍zè 捚zhāi ?gāng ?sǒ ng ?kuǎi 捭bǎi mixed with càn,chān,shǎn,shān beat chuí cuò 掸dǎn,shàn 捯dáo 掂diān 出diào 掇duo,duō 掆gāng 掼

guàn 掴guó 掎jǐ pick up jié,jiē jié jié 掬jū according to jù,jū dig jué 掯kèn control kòng 捩liè 掳lǔ plunder lüè describe miáo 捺nà twixniǎn,niē 掿nuò row pái,pǎi hold pěng掊póu,pǒu pinch qiā 掮qián 枞shàn confers shòu Exploring tàn 掭tāo 掭tiàn push tuī 开xiān bury yǎn 掖yè,yē 揶yé throw zhì 捴zǒng 捽zuó hang guà 掗yà endure ái 捵chēn pick cǎi sheshe抡lūn Juan juǎn 怬pèng 扪 mén sweep sǎo 捹bèn 掎bīng 掌fǔ 掁chéng 掎zōu 掎dǐ 掎zhěng 掶jié 掍hùn 掎huò 掵qián 掲jiē 掚liǎng 掕líng 捰wǒ 掹mēng捪mín 掵ming 掜nǐ 捿qī 掑qí 捦qín 掅qìng 捼 ruó 掻sāo 掓shū 掦tì 捸tū 捥wàn 捾wò 捳yuè earn zhēng 揞ǎn 揙biàn 揞bìng insert chā 搽chá 怀chān guess chuài,chuǎi,chuāi rub cuō take dā mention dī,tí揥dì,tì 揲dié, shé gài put gé,gē 揈hōng 搰hú 揃jiǎn stir jiǎo 揪jiē 描jiū 描kāi 揢ké 揆kuí 揦lá 拉lǎn hug lǒu,lōu 揿qìn rub róu 揌sāi scratch sāo search sōu 揻wēi 揾wèn grip wò 揳 xiē 揎xuān 揠yà cover yǎn 揖yī 揄yú AIDyuán 掾yuàn 揸

zhā beat zòu pick jiǎn 描zhèn back bēi raise yáng 揷chā pinch niē wave huī 揊pì 揨chéng 揰chòng 涶chuí 揼bèng 揯gèn 搄gèn change huàn 揘huáng 揂jiū 揟xū揁zhēng 揇nǎn 搑róng 揓shì 揔zǒng 揬 tú 揋wēi 揗xún 揺yáo 揝zǎn 搃zǒng.