What do the lyrics of Luxtos by Eluveitie mean? It's best to translate the full text of the lyrics, one sentence in English and one sentence in Chinese. Give full marks.

Do you feel the thorn

What do the lyrics of Luxtos by Eluveitie mean? It's best to translate the full text of the lyrics, one sentence in English and one sentence in Chinese. Give full marks.

Do you feel the thorns?

Do you feel that yours is strong enough?

Do you see the tears?

You Do you see the tears?

Do you see the bloodshed in this fell war?

Have you forsaken us ?

Have you forgotten our faithful men calling your name?

Have you forgotten our faithful men calling your name?

Have you forgotten our faithful men calling your name? Name?

While I stand before you

When I stand before you

While we perish

When we perish

While I lay down a crimson rose

While holding hands are forced apart

When the hand holding my hand is forced to separate

While hopes bog like condemned men

When hopes are like a fugitive falling into a swamp

Were you there?

Is it you?

The sky is falling on me

The hope of the sky falls in front of me

As your hand's turning old and weak

When I see the traces of time on my palms

I'm giving myself upon to thee

What else can I give you

A futile sacrifice gone sere

Not even a hope

In your nemeton

In your nemeton

These gray stone walls are cold and silent

These gray stone walls are cold and silent

As the fallen mother gone deaf

The fallen mother has nothing Can't hear

Mistress of shattered hopes

The mistress's desire can no longer be satisfied

And forever broken dreams

Dreams are forever It's broken

Were you there?

Are you still like this?

Owner, this is what I made little by little. I hope you cherish others. The fruits of labor

The translation is only as good as this. I can’t hear the English very clearly and it’s still not good...

The sky is falling on me

The sky is falling on me

As your hand's turning old and weak

When the hand's turning is old and weak

I'm giving myself upon to thee

I give it to myself and to you

A futile sacrifice gone


Sacrifice a blind wither

Epo, Epo, why has thou forsaken me?

Epo, Epo's, why have you forsaken me?

Together we go unsung

Let’s go unsung

Into thy hand I commend my spirit

Into your hand, I commend my spirit Soul

Together we go down with our people

We go down with our people

Were you there?

Is it you ?

Were you there?

Is it you?

The sky is falling on me

The sky is falling on me


As your hand's turning old and weak

When the hand's turning old and weak

I'm giving myself upon to thee

I give myself to you

A futile sacrifice gone sere

Sacrifice a blind dryness

Falling on me...

Fall on me...