Zhou is your last name. From the point of view of birth, names need gold, and the five elements of Zhou characters are gold.
Judging from the date of birth, the name of jade needs gold, and the five elements of jade are gold. Judging from the zodiac, the zodiac is a horse, and the name should have the name of Ji as the radical and jade as the radical.
Tingzi is recommended by famous scholars, which can be well matched with names.
Meaning: Jade means treasure, treasure and precious metal; Ting means elegance, elegance, grace and grace.
Metaphor: "Treasure, elegance". A person's name is a symbol representing this person. And this name has been called all my life, from small to large, no matter your friends, classmates and teachers call your name, there are also family members calling your name at home. In addition to addressing, names are also written down with a pen. This title written with a pen actually produces an audio, and each name has its own different audio. This kind of audio that keeps calling people for a long time will produce a kind of force field. Other conditions of the person with this name, including the date of birth, will combine with a kind of spiritual power, which will have good or bad luck and dominate this person's life and destiny. If you need the name of a system, you can trust me privately.