When the surname tiger is used as a personal name, it is pronounced hú or māo.
The surname Tiger is now a rare surname, but it has produced some celebrities in history and has become the pride of the Tiger family. "Customs" records: There is "Hepu Prefect Hu Qi", which shows that there was a prefect named "Hu Qi" in the Han Dynasty. After the Yuan Dynasty, celebrities such as Hu Ziwei, Hu Dawei, and Hu Chen appeared in Chinese history, and they were also members of the Tiger surname.
Originated from the surname Ji, it comes from Bohu, one of the ancient "Eight Yuans", and is a surname based on the name of the ancestor. According to historical records such as "The Romance of Customs" and "Zuo Zhuan", the "Eight Yuan" refers to eight talented people in ancient legends. One of them is Bohu. His descendants take their ancestor's name as their surname and are called the Hu family. Pronounced hú (ㄏㄨˊ).