Mass media popular science videos include videos on many different topics, some of which include:
1. Fenghe Health and Medical Technology: For example, technology about preventing diseases, maintaining health, and medical experiments and videos on new treatments.
2. Natural and environmental science of the animal world: e.g. videos on Earth’s ecosystems, climate change, biodiversity and green technologies.
3. Scientific discoveries and advancements: such as videos about the latest discoveries in science, technological innovations, new inventions and explorations.
4. Astronomy and cosmology: For example, videos about galaxies, planets, black holes, and the evolution of the universe.
5. History of science: For example, exploring the lives of famous scientists and some important scientific discoveries.
6. Social Sciences: Related topics such as economics, psychology, sociology, and political science.
7. Science education: such as videos on teaching and learning scientific methods, interactive experiments and courses.
These videos are designed to educate a broad audience about science, providing entertainment and education while providing a deeper understanding of our world and universe.