Wang Chang was born in Jinyang, Taiyuan. Shao is well-known as Wang Ling in the same county. Ling is older, Chang Xiong does it. Wendi was in the East Palace, Chang was a prince's literature, and moved to the middle school. Emperor Wendi practiced pheasant, moved to ride an assistant minister, and became a canon farmer in Luoyang. At that time, all the trees became forests, and the land was reclaimed, and the people were advised to cultivate fields. Move to Yanzhou secretariat. Ming Di acceded to the throne, General Jia Yanglie, and conferred the title of Commissioner of Customs. Although Chang was in a foreign post, he was worried about the imperial court, thinking that Wei Chengqin and Han had shortcomings and the legal system was harsh, and he did not change the national code to conform to the wind of the former king, but he hoped to revive it and could not get it. There are more than 2 articles on the theory of governance, which are slightly in line with the current affairs according to the ancient system, and more than 1 articles on the art of war, which are used strangely and rightly, and played in Qinglong.
it is the name of brother and son, and they are all modest and honest, in order to see their meaning. Therefore, the brother and son are silent and silent, and the word is deep and blunt, while the son is ambiguous and blunt. Therefore, the book said:
{A wife's way of being a son is greater than doing everything with her body to show her parents. These three people know their goodness, but those who are in danger of losing their homes and falling into extinction are not. It is not the way to learn from one's ancestors. A husband's filial piety is the first of a hundred lines, and it is also the foundation of his body. Filial piety is the security of the clan, while benevolence and righteousness are the importance of the township party. This trip has become internal and the masterpieces are outside. If people don't stick to the line, but learn from the basics to the end, they will get stuck in glitz and become friends. Flattery is tired of hypocrisy, while cronies have their own problems. These two precepts are obvious, but they are followed by the car and the people, and they are all confused by the reputation at that time, and they are ignorant of the current benefits. The husband is rich and famous, and the human feelings are happy, while the gentleman may get it but not the place. Evil cannot be heard by its words. Suffering from people who know and then don't know how to retreat, know what they want but are not satisfied, so they are tired of being embarrassed and regretful. As the saying goes, "If you are not satisfied, you will lose what you want", so contentment is often enough. Looking at the success or failure of the past, we can see the good or bad in the future. Those who do not want fame and gain, but never tire of it, can protect the world and keep the family, and will be blessed forever. In order to make Rucao behave himself, follow the teachings of Confucianism, and follow the words of Taoism, so in the name of Xuan Mo Chongxu, it is necessary to make Rucao, as its name implies, dare not violate Yue. In ancient times, there were inscriptions on the plate, commandments on a few sticks, and no mistakes in use. In your own name, don't quit. If things are quick, they will die quickly, but if they are late, they will die well. The grass in China is scattered in the evening. The pines and cypresses are luxuriant, and the cold lasts forever. Therefore, it is necessary for a gentleman to be evil and to quit the party. If Fan Jian attacked Qin Ke and attacked Wu Zi, it would be evil to hide others. A lady is good and fresh, but not self-defeating, and a capable person is not conceited. Cutting hides people, and pity makes people ling. Those who hide others will also hide them, and those who ling people will also ling them. Therefore, the three were killed in Jin, and Wang Shu was guilty of Zhou, not only because he was good at cutting himself, but also because he was quarrelsome. Therefore, a gentleman does not claim to be, not to let people, but to cover people with evil. A husband can bend and stretch, let him think that he can get it, think that he is weak and strong, and he is rarely successful. A husband's reputation is ruined, and he loves the source of evil, but the opportunity of misfortune and happiness is also guarded by saints. Confucius said, "I am to people, and whoever destroys my reputation." If you have a reputation, you must try. "Also known as" Zigong Fangren ". It is also good to give, but I am overwhelmed. "With the virtue of saints, it is still the case, and the situation is mediocre and light."
Ma Yuan, a former Fubo general, warned his brother and son, saying, "If you smell people's evil, you should smell your parents' names. You can hear it with your ears, but you can't get it with your mouth. When people destroy themselves, they should retreat to the body. If you have a trip that can be destroyed, then you should take it as you say. If you can't ruin your trip, you will be wrong. When there is no resentment against the other, it is harmless to the body, and there is no way to repay it. And those who are angry when they hear people destroy themselves, the sound of ugliness adds to others, and those who report it are very arrogant. It is better to be silent and self-deprecating. As the saying goes, "Nothing is more important than saving the cold, and nothing is more embarrassing than stopping slander". If you are with people who are right and wrong and dangerous, it is not enough to be near, and the situation is against the school. Its harm is deep. A hypocritical man, who doesn't speak the truth, acts regardless of his words, which is superficial and recognizable. And the world is confused, and it is still indecent to do it with words and deeds. Jin Ji Yin Wei satirized, Shanyang Cao Wei defeated, dazzled the world, held the traitor hostage, and drove the younger generation. Although the punishment was greatly admonished by the punishment, it was polluted by the public. Can be careless with.
If a gentleman in a forest is a bond between a foreigner and an uncle, he is willing to stay hungry in the first sun and go to Mianshan with fire. Although it can arouse greed and inspire customs, a saint can't do it, and I don't want to. Today, your ancestors were crowned, but in the name of righteousness, prudence, filial piety in the boudoir and learning from teachers and friends. I am engaged in business with people of the time, although the sources are different, but each has its own advantages. Guo Boyi of Yingchuan is good at understanding, sensitive and knowledgeable. He is not generous enough, but he is light and expensive. A man is as heavy as a mountain, and he must not be as careless as grass. I am intimate with what I know and don't want my son to do it. Xu Weichang of Beihai, who died of fame and fame, did not ask for anything, but was self-controlled, but Tao was the business. If there is something wrong with it, the ancients will see what it means, and there was nothing to praise or criticize at that time. I respect it, and I hope my son can learn from it. Dongping Liu Gonggan, knowledgeable and talented, sincere and careless, but uneven sexual behavior, less taboo, gains and losses are enough to make up for each other. My love is more important than my son's admiration. Lean Ren Zhaoxian, pure and honest, sensitive inside and forgiving outside, respectful and courteous, timid and brave, forgetting oneself in the DPRK. My friend's kindness, I hope my son will follow it. If you extend it, you will learn from it, and you will learn from it. And the nine families who used money first, their almsgiving was urgent, their going in and out kept their old age, their discussion was expensive and not derogatory, their entering the official position was loyal and honest, their taking people as a practical way, their dealing with life was arrogant and immoral, their poverty and meanness were cautious, their thoughts were appropriate, and their actions were added to Jiu Si's, that's all. What am I worried about? }
In the fourth year of Qinglong, the imperial edict was "If you want to get a talented and intelligent article, you should think deeply, if the material is far away, you should look at it from obscurity, raise a good fortune, plan for success, be careful at the end, be quiet and quiet, and work hard. Those who are still in the public, have teeth for an indefinite period of time, and don't be detained. Your school has already given one person each." Qiu Sima Xuan was elected by Chang. In the beginning, he turned to Xuzhou, sealed off the martial arts and watched the pavilion, moved to the south general, and supervised the military affairs of Jing and Yu on holiday. Chang thinks that the state has a lot of people, and the war is impermanent. There are constant risks in the land, and the impermanence is maintained. Today, I went to Xiangyang for more than 3 miles. The armies were scattered, and the ships were in Xuanchi. I was in a hurry to go there. I moved to rule a new field, and the Xishui army was in two States, farming and cultivating, and Cang Gu was surplus.
At the beginning of Jiaping, King Sima Xuan, a teacher, punished Cao Shuang, but asked the minister about the gains and losses. There are five things about Chen Zhi-lue: First, I want to worship Taoism and study hard, and I want to suppress glitz, so that the son of the country can enter the Imperial College and get out of order. Secondly, if you want to use the exam, the exam is still the criterion, but you don't give up the criterion and get the right answer, so it's impossible to talk about it. Third, if you want to make the official stay longer than his post, you will be given a title if you have made achievements. Fourth, we want to make an appointment with the officials, encourage honesty and shame, and not compete with the people for profits. Fifthly, being extravagant, advocating frugality, making clothes have chapters, keeping up and down, storing grain, livestock and silks, and opposing the people to be simple. Letters praise. Because I wrote about the examination of a hundred officials, I thought that although Tang Yu had a passionate article, the method of taking the examination was not vertical. Zhou made the post of burial and slaughter, which was rewarded for the rule of the officials, and there was no system of school comparison. From this point of view, the Lord is clear in Ren Xian, and it is not clear whether he can get it or not. Its big finger is like this.
in the second year, it was sung that "Sun Quan exiled a good minister, and it was appropriate to divide the struggle between the ordinary and the ordinary, so that Wu and Shu could be controlled by the troubles. Between Baidi and Yiling, Guizhou, Witch, Zigui and Fangling are all in Jiangbei, and Minyi is connected with Xincheng County, which can be attacked. "It is to send the new city satrap to attack Witch, Zigui and Fangling, and Jingzhou secretariat to Yiling in JI Wang and Jiangling in Changyi. On both sides of the river, bamboo rafts are used as bridges to cross the water hammer. The thief ran to the south bank, chiseled seven roads and attacked. So Chang made the crossbows grow at the same time, and the thief general Shi Ji fled into Jiangling City at night and chased hundreds of steps. In order to lead to a flat land and a joint battle, it is necessary to return the case of the Fifth Army in advance, so that the thief can see it with joy, and with the armor vest he has obtained, he can gallop around the city to be angry and set an ambush for it. Chasing the army, fighting and defeating it. Ji dun walked away, beheaded his generals, Zhong Li Mao and Xu Min, collected his first flag to drum up treasures, and returned with a vibration. JI Wang and Zhou Tai both made contributions. So he moved to the south general and the third division of Yitong, and entered the Jingling Hou. Don't Qiu Jian and Wen Qin make an insurrection, lead troops to refuse to be frugal, praise meritorious deeds, seal the second son Tinghou and Guannei Hou, and carry them to the title of generals in ancient times. Zhuge Dan rebelled against it, and forced Jiangling with stones, but failed to make progress and make the whole city go east. When the birthday was over, he said, "Yesterday, Sun Bin assisted Zhao, and made a big contribution. The sudden advance of the western soldiers also led to the trend of the crusade, which also increased the number of households in the city, and the first 4,7 households moved to the same place, and the festival and the governor remained the same.
after four years of sweet dew, it is called Muhou. Son Hunsi, Xian Xizhong rode a captain for Yue.
Biography of Wang Chang, Wang Chang, word Wenshu, from Jinyang, Taiyuan. Wang Chang, who was in the same county as a teenager, is very famous in the local area. Wang Chang is older, and Wang Chang treats him as his elder brother. Before Wei Wendi's accession to the throne, Wang Chang was a prince's literature and moved to a middle school. After xelloss acceded to the throne, Wang Chang was promoted to assistant minister of scattered riding, and became a standard farmer in Luoyang. At that time, there were trees in Luoyang, and Wang Chang set an example for the people with his hard work and reclaimed many wasteland. Later appointed Yanzhou secretariat. Wei Mingdi Cao Rui acceded to the throne, sealed General Yang Lie, and gave him a marquis in Shanhaiguan pass. Although Wang Chang was an official in other places, he was fully concerned about imperial politics. He thought that many disadvantages of Cao Wei were inherited from Qin and Han Dynasties, and the legal system was harsh and trivial, and the national ceremony was rarely modified to be the first king. In this case, it is impossible to hope for political openness and national prosperity. So he wrote "On Governance", and according to the ancient system, he took relevant articles that can be used for reference today and wrote more than 2 articles. He also wrote more than a dozen articles on the Art of War, discussing the tactics of odd and orthogonal use, which was played in the court during the Qinglong period.
He named his brother's children and his own children on the basis of modesty and honesty to show his interest. Therefore, his brother's children, Wang Mo, are quiet and Wang Shen, are quiet. One of his own children is called Wang Hun, the word Xuan Chong, and the other is called Wang Shen, the word Dao Chong. He also wrote to advise them: As a junior, the most important thing is to have practical skills and noble sentiments, so that parents can have light on their faces. Everyone can understand the value of these three things: practical skills, noble sentiments and parents' glory, but there are still people whose reputations are ruined and their families are ruined, because their family traditions are not the right way. Paying attention to filial piety and benevolence is the most important of all things. Acting according to it is the foundation of life. Pay attention to filial piety, the clan will live in peace, pay attention to benevolence and righteousness, and the neighbors will respect each other. In doing so, self-cultivation is good, and reputation will naturally spread to the outside. If people don't pay attention to moral cultivation, give up the basics, advocate vanity and luxury, and even form a party for personal gain, it will make people feel hypocritical and even lead to hidden dangers. Don't advocate glitz, don't form a party for selfish ends, the reason is obvious, but there are still many people who repeat their mistakes and pursue glitz, all because of the concept of fame and fortune. Of course, wealth and fame, who doesn't want to have it? But a gentleman can get it and not want it. Why? Because they hate not seeking fame and fortune by the right way. The biggest evil in life is that you only know how to retreat, and you only know how to pursue lust, but you don't know how to be satisfied, so you will be tired of humiliation and regret. As the saying goes, "If you are not satisfied, you will lose what you have gained." So if people want to be satisfied, they will be satisfied.
Looking at the success or failure of ancient and modern times, it is good or bad. No one who pursues fame and fortune and wants to fill the gap can keep his family's life and not destroy himself. I hope that you will be rigorous, follow the teachings of Confucianism and believe in Taoist speech, so I will name you Xuan Mo Chongxu, so that you can see your own names, never forget their meanings and never violate them. In ancient times, there were inscriptions on plates and commandments on several sticks, so that everyone could see them when they bowed their heads and looked up to control themselves. What's more, it's your own name. Shouldn't you admonish yourself at any time? Generally speaking, things grow fast and die fast; If it grows slowly, it will have good results. The grass that blooms in the morning should be scattered at night; The pine and cypress are green, and the winter is not dry. Therefore, a real gentleman does not want to be quick on his own, but hopes to succeed late. For example, Fan Biao looked down on Qin Ke and Wu Zi hit Fan with a stick and broke his commission. That's because Wu Zi hated Fan Biao and looked down on people. People are a little kind, few are not boastful, and some are capable and few are not proud. If you flatter yourself, you will look down on people, and if you are proud, you will be arrogant. People look down on people, and people look down on him; People don't take an arrogant person seriously. Therefore, the state of Jin killed .. Qi, .. Yong, ... to three people and the people showed no sympathy; Uncle Wang fought for power and profit, and was a sinner in the Zhou Dynasty. Isn't that what they think they are better than others, boasting and being proud of themselves, and suffering the consequences? Therefore, a gentleman does not boast, not for humility, but hates showing superiority to others everywhere. Flexibility can stretch, flexibility can be called virtue, weakness is really strong, and if so, everything will be satisfactory. Destroying the reputation of others is the root of bad things and the beginning of disasters, so saints are particularly cautious. Confucius said: "I seldom praise others and seldom slander them." If you have a reputation, you must have a basis. " He added, "Zi Gong talks a lot and loves to criticize others. Is he good enough? I don't have the leisure time. " A saint like Confucius is still so cautious, not to mention how ordinary people like us can wantonly praise others?
Once upon a time, Ma Yuan, the general of Fubo, warned his nephew, "If you hear bad rumors about others, just consider them your parents. Although you hear them, you can't spread them." This warning is really meticulous. If others denigrate themselves, they should be self-reflective. If you do have words and deeds worthy of being slandered by others, the slander of others is appropriate; If you don't have any fault, then the slander of others is pure. If others criticize correctly, don't blame others. If others criticize incorrectly, and it won't harm yourself, why retort? Moreover, if you get angry when you hear others defame yourself, and then push the notoriety on others, then people will vilify you more and more; It is better to be taciturn and retire to cultivate yourself. The proverb says: "It is better to add more fur to save people from the cold;" It is better to cultivate morality than to stop others' embarrassment. " This statement is quite right. If you deal with those gossips, especially those who are vicious and dangerous, it is dangerous to be close, not to mention distinguishing right from wrong face to face, which is even more dangerous. Those hypocritical people, whose words have no foundation, are not based on morality, and their actions do not follow their own words, are easy to identify. It's a pity that the world is confused by them and unwilling to seriously identify their words and deeds.
People in modern times, such as Ji Yin Wei and Cao Wei of Shanyang, were executed for listening to evil and being morally corrupt. They confused the world, supported traitors and incited young people to make trouble. Although they were killed, their bad style polluted the world and had a far-reaching impact. Be careful! As for those who are willing to live in seclusion in the mountains, such as Boyi and Shu Qi would rather starve to death in shouyangshan; There are also mesons, who would rather burn to death in Mianshan than be an official. Although their words and deeds can warn the greedy person and guide good social customs, real saints will not do as they do, and I don't want you to follow suit. Your ancestors were officials from generation to generation, advocating benevolence and righteousness, being cautious, paying attention to filial piety and learning from friends extensively. Although my contacts with colleagues are different, I will learn something from different people. Guo Yi of Yingchuan is knowledgeable, intelligent and knowledgeable. However, he is a little inferior and despises wealth, which is commendable, but it is also too much. If he gets someone who thinks he is good, he will be respected as if he were a mountain. If he doesn't think they are capable people, he doesn't take them seriously and regards them as grass. I am close to him because I know him well, but I don't want you to do this like him.
Xu Gan in Beihai, seeking neither fame nor wealth, is indifferent to the world and pursues moral cultivation. Even if he praised or criticized something, he said it under the guise of the ancients, but never commented on right and wrong in the present world. I respect him very much and hope you can learn from him. Liu Zhen of Dongping has outstanding talent, sincerity, moderation and ambition. However, his temperament and behavior are not equal, and he has few constraints and scruples. Gains and slips can be offset positively and negatively. I like him very much and value him. But I don't want you to admire him. Be happy and follow the ancient road completely.