Some instructions on how to change the names of cows and pets when my world is online.

You attack the cow with a thread first, and it becomes your pet.

(cow or Cow will be displayed on the head) Then a message will pop up in the dialog box.

This means that you successfully caught him.

Rename: /petname the new name of the pet.

Manual daquan

/My pet

Displays all available MyPet commands.

/petinfo[ player name]

Displays the health and experience of the pet. After entering the player's name, the player's pet information will be displayed.



Pet name new pet name]

Set the pet's name

/petrelease[ nickname]

Release the pet. After no pets, you can recapture them.


Give your pet to you.


/personal computer



Dissolve your pet.

Pets can be recalled by command /petcall.




/pet skill & lt; Player >

Show your pet's skill tree information.


Stop pets from attacking the target




Switch pet status


Never attack, even if attacked.


Normal) → Like an ordinary wolf.

Aggressive) → Attacks all creatures in the player 15 box.

act of violence

Farm) → Attacks all monsters in the player 15 box.

Raid) → Like normal mode, but pets will not attack players and other pets.

Duel → Pets will only attack other pets in duel mode.



