How to cancel qid? 1. At present, after the QID is successfully set, it cannot be closed or cancelled, only the ID can be modified again, and only SVIP users can modify it once within 90 days.
2.QQID is unique. A QQ number can only be bound to 1 id. Only when the status of QQ number changes, such as freezing and recycling, will the id be synchronized.
3. Do not use the name of another person or the enterprise name or trademark registered by another person to set the ID without authorization, and do not use the ID to impersonate another person's identity or use other people's characteristic information to mislead other users.
4. If the user violates laws and regulations or infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of others, Tencent has the right to take measures such as shielding or deleting the set ID or even refusing to continue providing services at any time without notice.