Why did I install Ali Want Want but I can't find the corresponding icon on the desktop?

Hello friend, there is no shortcut to it on the desktop. You can create one yourself. Method 1, right-click on the desktop, create a shortcut, then click Browse and click My Computer. After expanding my computer, you click on the hard disk partition where Ali Want Want is located, then find its installation folder, click Expand, find its main program, click OK, and then click Next. You will be prompted to provide the shortcut. This step can actually be skipped. Then you can type Ali Want Want and press Finish, or you can open its installation directory and find the shortcut that aliim.exe right-clicks to send to the desktop. In addition, you can run in the start menu, the program of the start menu and the quick start bar, or press Start, Run, enter aliim and press OK, or run. Look at that.