What is chilled pork?

"Cold fresh meat" or cold chain fresh meat refers to the strict implementation of the quarantine system, and the rapid cooling and deacidification of the carcasses after slaughter to fully complete the "post-ripening" stage of the pork, so that The carcass temperature drops to zero to 4 degrees Celsius, and meat is processed, stored, transported, and sold at this temperature. On the one hand, cold fresh meat has experienced a relatively sufficient cooling process (cooling is considered complete when the temperature in the center of the hind legs is lower than 7 degrees Celsius). It is also the meat's maturation process (acid removal process), making the meat change from stiff to soft. The water holding capacity is enhanced, the meat becomes tender, and the taste becomes delicious; on the other hand, the PH value of the meat decreases, showing a certain acidity. Combined with the cooling temperature, the growth and reproduction of harmful microorganisms in the meat can be effectively inhibited. , to ensure food safety.