The baby's horoscope is: Ji Chou, Jiaxu, Wushen, and Yimao. There are four earth, one metal, and three wood. The five elements are short of water and fire. In the ninth month, Wu earth is in power. Bing fire cannot be used exclusively. First A and then Gui are used to nourish the weak and weak. When seeing metal, use Gui water first, then Bing fire, combined with the branches and stems, to form the living earth and set the hair. Yuncheng. The eight characters have armor showing through and no water, so the name is used to make up for it. Take a nickname to replenish the fire.
Possible name: Zhang Siqing (Si, meaning yearning, consideration, longing. Qing, meaning purity, transparency, understanding.)
Zhang Danya (Elegance, meaning simple and elegant . )
Zhang Chunqi (Chun, means simplicity, simplicity and honesty. Qi, means a kind of beautiful jade.)
Zhang Xinfei (Xin, means happiness, vitality. Fei, means It looks very virtuous and fluttering)
Nicknames: Ding Ya, Yu Dan, Tong Tong...
For reference.