The most popular English girl name in history!

Obviously, China is no longer the closed country it once was. As globalization further advances, we have more and more opportunities to communicate with foreign friends, and we increasingly need this. The international common language "English". However, if you want to communicate better at work or in life, the first step is to choose a satisfactory English girl name. How to choose this English girl's name? Next, I will share with you tips on naming English girls’ names, as well as recommendations for the most popular English girl names. I hope parents in need can start checking them out.

Tips on naming girls in English

Tips on naming girls in English 1: It is best to pronounce the English name the same as the Chinese name, such as: Lu Meng moon lu, Zhang Bo bob zhang, Xu Kaiyun caron xu, lisa jiang, jill wang, david jiang, irene zhang, ben li, lily zheng, june yang, lena kong, ally zhang, etc.

Tip 2 for naming girls in English: If the above tips are not possible, try to have the partial pronunciation of the English name and the Chinese name consistent. For example: lynn zhu, may wang, jane wu, sandy wu, jet li, tim xie, james hou, sam xu, helen guan and so on.

Tip 3 for naming girls in English: If the above two tips are not possible, you can also make the pronunciation of the English name and the Chinese name as close or related as possible. For example: Catherine Luo, Diane Dong, Vincent Cui, Tracy Li, Hunter Huang, Maple Shen, Fountain Liu, Fanny Chen, Sharon Li, Susan Wang, Jason Zhou, etc. wait.

Tips for naming girls in English: Free translation If you do not pursue the same pronunciation of the English name and the Chinese name, you can use free translation. This is also a very rare naming mistake. For example: Baiyun cloud bai, Liu Changhe river liu, Chen Ping apple chen, Wang Xing stellar wang, Li Bing ice li, Yuan Biao tiger yuan, Qi Tian sky qi, etc.

Because you are Chinese, you try to make your English name related to your Chinese name, so that you feel that this English girl name is unique to you. Of course, if you don't find a suitable English girl's name, you can also find your favorite one from the names I've compiled below.

A complete list of the most popular English girl names in history

A complete list of English girl names with the letter a

For example: ali alice amanda amy angela angelica?angie angelie anita ann anne anna?annabell annie apple arlene and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with letter b

For example: bailee barbara barbie becky bella betty?bonnie and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with letter c

For example: cally candy canny carina caroline carrie?cathy celia celine cerina charlene cher?cherry christine christy cindy clare coco?connie carlo crystal cynd and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with letter d

For example: dannie dennielle dennise doris and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with letter e

For example: eileen elaine elena elisa elise ella?elle ellen emi emily emme erica?erin eva evelyn and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with letter f

For example: fannie faye fiona flora florence frances and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with the letter g

For example: gia gigi gloria grace and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with letter h

For example: heidi helen hope and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with the letter i

For example: irene iris isabel isabella ivana ivy and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with the letter j

For example: jade janice jannet janny ja *** ine jennifer?jenny jessica jessey jill jo jo joan?joanna jocelin joey jolie jolin josephine?josie joy joyce june and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with the letter k

For example: karen karena kate kathy katie kelly?kendy kiki and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with letter l

For example: leila lilian lily linda lisa loletta?losa lydia and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with the letter m

For example: macy maggie mandy mango mani maple?margie marsha maria mary may maya?megan melissa michelle miki mimi mona?monie monica and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with letter n

For example: nadia nancy natalie nicole niki nina and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with letter o

For example: Olivia and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with the letter p

For example: pace paisley paris patricia paula pauline?penny and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with letter r

For example: rachael rain rainie rebecca reese rene?renee rita rosanne ruby ??and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with the letter s

For example: sally sammi sandra sandy selina sara?sarah serena shadow sharon sheila sherry?shirley sky sophie stella stephanie stephy and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with letter t

For example: tiffanny tina tori tracy and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with letter V

For example: vicki vicky victoria vikki vivian vivien?violet and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with letter w

For example: wing winnie whitney and so on.

A complete list of English girl names with the letter y

For example: yoyo yuki, etc.

A complete list of English girl names with the letter z

For example: zoe, etc.