The three people were vying to express themselves in front of Tang Gaozong and tried their best to criticize others' shortcomings. However, Queen Wang and Concubine Xiao Shu were powerless in front of Wu Zetian, who was smart, dexterous and scheming. Wu Zetian saw that Queen Wang was simple and down-to-earth, and rarely talked to the attendants around her. Her uncle Zhongshu ordered Liu Shi not to be courteous to the concubines in the palace when entering and leaving the palace. Therefore, she made friends with Empress Wang and Liu Shi's disrespectful attendants and palace officials, and often gave them the rewards she received in order to gain their support and protection. In this way, those palace people who benefited became Wu Zetian's eyes and ears around the Queen, Xiao Shufei and Tang Gaozong. Therefore, Wu Zetian knew every move of Empress Wang, Concubine Xiao Shu and Emperor Gaozong of Tang Dynasty. Seeing that her niece had fallen out of favor, Liu Shi was worried that she would lose her status as queen, so she asked Queen Wang to claim a boy born to Tang Gaozong and a concubine as her son, named him Li Zhong, and persuaded Tang Gaozong to make him the prince. Although Tang Gaozong followed Empress Wang's intention, he still loved Wu Zetian as always. In order to test Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, Liu Shi offered to resign from his post as Zhongshu Ling. Unexpectedly, Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty was not polite and pushed him to withdraw from the Zhongshu Province and let him go to the Shangshutai to become the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. In this way, Queen Wang received the first blow.
The cunning Wu Zetian saw that Tang Gaozong only doted on her, but had no intention of letting her replace the status of the queen. So, she hatched a vicious plan to frame the blame on Queen Wang. This year, Wu Ze was born with a daughter. Queen Wang came to visit her out of courtesy and went to the crib to tease the girl. Unexpectedly, just after Queen Wang left, Wu Zetian secretly strangled her biological daughter to death, then covered her with the quilt as usual, left the crib as if nothing had happened, and chatted and laughed with the palace maids. After Tang Gaozong returned to the palace, she laughed and acted coquettishly and asked her husband to see her lovely daughter. Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty opened the quilt with excitement and fatherly love, and was shocked to see his lovely daughter dead there. But Wu Zetian howled and cried until she died. Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty questioned the attendants on the left and right, and they all said that only Queen Wang had entered the inner room and seen the baby, and no one else had entered. Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty was furious, thinking that Queen Wang had lost her womanly virtues out of jealousy, so he killed his beloved daughter. Wu Zetian took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire and said a lot of bad things about the Queen. Since Empress Wang was unable to explain herself about the matter, denying it was of no use. From then on, Tang Gaozong had the idea of ??abolishing the queen.