What is the QQ name and personalized signature of loofah?

QQ name: 小④gua

Suakwa Towelgourd


Sisisi, Gua

Personalized signature: Do you know why the loofah is so good? Because there are people like me who take care of it

Southern red beans miss the Chinese loofah the most

Happiness is a tomb, inside only Buried with my loneliness.

//Gua'er, who has lost his way, will he still find his way home?

『M』Only you are still with me, I am afraid that one day you will leave me.

If you don’t touch it, it won’t hurt. If you close your eyes, it won’t hurt. Understand, if you say you leave, you don’t have to look back.

Don’t make promises casually, I know I will do what I say

) ̄Forget the whole world, only remember your smile