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Lilac is a song written, arranged and sung by Tang Lei. It was completed in April 2000, uploaded to the Internet in 2002, and included in Tang Lei's own album Lilac in 2004. In 2004, "Lilac" won the Top Ten Golden Melody Awards of 12 Oriental Billboard "Shantley Night".
Lilac is a song full of campus folk songs. Tang Lei's song touched countless people. In this song, we can feel the cruelty of loss and recall the innocence of the past. It can be said that this "Lilac" is a touching song among all popular online songs in 2004.
Lilacs highlight the freshness and aestheticism of Tang Lei's music. While trying to improve the musicality of the album, the humanistic care contained in the song is fully displayed. In the words of album producer Gao, "it is definitely a very happy thing to be able to personally participate in the production of such an excellent album."