Ask the Italian names of all cosmetics (foundation, eye shadow ...)

By product category: Ri Shuang: Crema di Giono

Night cream: crema di notte eye cream: Crema Contono Occhi-gel: gel Contono Occhi sunscreen: crema protettiva

Lipstick: balsamo per labbra Emulsion: lozione Toner: tonico Mask: maschera per viso Eye Mask: maschera contorno occhi

Facial cleanser: latte cleaner-gel cleaner-foam cleaner-facial soap: sapone per viso essence: siero cleansing oil: olio levatrucco.

Nutrition by function: nutrition e

Moisturizing: idratante wrinkle removal: anti-wrinkle, anti-aging: anti-eta' exfoliation: esfoliante oil-free: privo di oil.

Deep cleaning: purificante classifies dry skin according to skin problems: pelli secche oily skin: pelligras.

Mixed skin: pelli miste sensitive skin: pelli sensibili mature skin: pelli mature pores are too large: pori dilatali.

Lack of elasticity: mancanza di Elastimata 'dull: mancanza di Luminostita 'spots: macchie dandruff skin oily: eccesso di sebo eye bags: borse sotto gli occhi dark circles: occhiaie acne: acne/acne allergy: allergy.

The reason why you should pay attention to day cream and night cream is that if day cream contains spf, don't use it at night. Don't use night cream in the morning if it is nutritious. If it is a refreshing cream or lotion without spf, it is ok in the morning and evening.

sunscreen cream

There is almost no whitening sunscreen in Italy, only two or three Japanese brands, Shu Uemura and Shiseido. Be careful not to buy effetto abbronzatura facial cleanser. Many facial cleansers in Italy have the function of removing makeup, so light makeup can be done in one step. If you want to remove "waterproof" eye makeup, it is best to separate it with water and oil or oily makeup remover.

Cosmetic foundation: foundation cream: Crema di fondotinta- Cream: Crema di Fondo Tinta- Liquid: Fondo Tinta fluida-Spray: Fondo Tinta Spray Powder: fondotinta compatto Cream: Base Blush: fard-paste: fard in crema Powder: C. Ipria in polvere Makeup Powder: cipria compatta Concealer: correttore viso Concealer Pen (Bright Pen): correttore illuminante Mascara-Thick: (Super) Volumizzante- Slim: Allungante- Curl: incvante- Waterproof: Waterproof Eye Shadow: Ombretto.

Tool category

Eyelash curlers: piegaciglia Eyebrow Clippers: pinzette False Eyelashes: falsa ciglia Makeup Brush: pennelli Full Face Brush: pennellone viso

Blush brush: pennellino fard foundation brush: pennello fondotinta eye shadow brush: pennellino ombretto

Lip gloss brush (concealer brush): pennellino rossetto/correttore Eyelash Eyebrow Brush (double-sided): Pennellino Ciglia &;; Sopraqilia

Eyeshadow pencil (for cotton dizziness): sfumino contorno occhi Pencil Sharpener: temperamatite False Eyelash Glue (English): Eyelash Glue Polishing Board: lima lucidente unghie Bo Makeup Remover Cotton: levatrucco
