Can the teahouse, billiards hall, and mahjong parlor be opened together?

**Yes**. Teahouses, billiards halls and mahjong parlors can be opened together.

This type of place is a place for leisure and entertainment. You can consider combining these three functions when opening a store. At the same time, local regulations and policies also need to be considered as to whether three stores can be opened. In some places, combining these three functions may not be allowed. Even where such a comprehensive place can be opened, it is necessary to consider how to combine the three functional areas reasonably and ensure the legality and safety of the place.

When considering whether to open such a comprehensive venue, you also need to consider market demand and competition. If the demand for these features is high in the local market and competition is not fierce, then opening such a comprehensive venue may be a good choice. If competition is high, you need to carefully evaluate whether your venue can attract enough customers.

In general, tea rooms, billiards halls and mahjong parlors can be opened together, but they need to meet local regulations and policies, and take into account market demand and competition.