Kudou Shinichi: くどぅしんぃち, an ascetic monk.
Kudo Yasuo: くどぅゆぅさくくくくくくくゆぅくくくくくくくくく12
Vivian Kudo: くどぅゆきこここここここここここここここここここ12
もぅりらんんんんんんんんんんんんんんんん Mao Lilan.
Richard Moore: もぅりこごろぅぅぅぅぅぅ.
Fei Yingli: きさきぇり Kisakiri
Hattori Hiraji: はっとりへぃじ laughed.
Hirata Hattori: はっとりへぃぞぅ Ha to Li Hesan.
Shizuka Hattori: はっとりしずかha-to-li-xi-zi-ka.
too yama kazuha:とぅやまかずはto-ya-ma-ka-zi-ha。
Shi Jing, you.
Magul Jess: めぐれじゅぅぞぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅ123
Takagi: たかきわたるta-ka-ki-wa-ta-lu.
Ninzabur, Bai Niao: しらとりにんざぶろぅXi- Xi-La-Tuo-Li-Ning-Zha-Buluo.
Simon: さとぅみわこここここここここここここここここここ12371
Juvenile investigation team
The island is really too: こじまげんたko-ji-ma-gen-ta.
Ancient: つぶらやみつひこ??-Bula-Ya-Mi-??-Hi-Ke.
Yoshida: よしだぁゆみ yo -Xi- da-a-you-mi.
Haibalai: はぃばらぁぃぃぃ ha-i-ba-la-a-i.
Agatha Hongzhi: ぁかさはかせ
Nakamori Kinzor なかもりぎんぞぅ Na-Ka-Mo-Li-Kinzor.
Nakamori Aoko なかもりぁぉこ.
The snakehead fights. It's cool-Luo-Ba-Ka-Yi-Tuo.
Black leaf light-くろばとぅぃち.
Black field, please, please.
Junichiro Koizumi: こぃずみぁか.
はくばさぐるha-ku-ba-sa-gu-lu. Bai Matan
Akai Shuuichi, don't, don't, don't.
Miano Akimi, Miyano Akemi.
Xi, Miano, Miyano Shiho.
Serena Sebastian: すずきそのこここここここここここここここここここ123
Goku Makoto: きょぅごくまこと.
You Ming: ぁらぃでともぁき.
Explosion of Skyscraper (Timetable) A skyscraper with clockwork.
14th goal (goal 14) 4th goal
Magician at the end of the century (magician at the end of the century)
The assassin in the pupil (the assassin in the pupil) was caught by her eyes.
Countdown to heaven (Heaven へのカントダン) Countdown to heaven.
The Phantom of Baker Street.
Labyrinth intersection (labyrinth intersection) ancient capital intersection.
The magician in the silver sky.
A conspiracy on the horizontal line (a conspiracy on the horizontal line) is a strategy above the depth.
The detective's soul song (the detective's soul song) Requiem for a private detective.
Pirate flag in deep blue.
Full marks for fear.
I'm not good enough to pass it on to Tu Tu. . I'm sorry