Zhu Zu was born in Fujian; Zhu's father, Hu, was an official for eight generations in Fujian. The emergence of human beings, officials and people; Officials come from the people, and the people come out. Relocation, after being robbed, is the official of the people, and the official is with the people. Zhu Ziyang Hall: For this reason, the ancestral home is also here, and the younger generation can't forget to call it Zur. Zhu's qualifications are also certain. Zhu Guan is Zhu's departure, and Zhu's ancestor, a great scholar in the Song Dynasty and a scholar from China, called it. Let's just say that. At the beginning of life, Zhu's surname is unknown, who he is, but he can go away; Zhu Zhizu is a post, and the post is a residence. Why? The genealogy of the Zhu family is prosperous, and it is also possible to prosper. The Zhujiamiao also has a conclusion, and a foreign surname is essential.
Zhu Zuxun's teachings should not be violated or forgotten by future generations, so as to carry forward the ancestral system and Zude. The following can be recorded according to Zhu's seniority.
1. Tong (a boy has three brothers)
2. Yu
3. Self and life
4. Sales, English and Kay
Be brave
6. Ting and Wen
7. Steps and scenarios
8. Xing, C and Zhao
9. DPRK, gram and ambition
10. Ben, Huai, Kui, Qing
1 1. Mountains, Dimensions and Victory
12. France, Italy, Hong Kong and Korea
13. xian, Liang, si and Xin
15. On
16. Part
17. Ming
18 . 6
19. (added before the verb) means "negative" and "opposite"; (added before nouns to form verbs) means "get rid of", "get rid of"
20. Light
2 1. Vibration
22. home
25. Heng
26. open it
28. Life span
show filial piety
3 1. Easy
32. First,
37. Zone electrophoresis