Quotes about caring for your eyes and protecting your vision

Quotes about caring for your eyes

1. Two eyes can see more clearly than one. -- Mahler

2. People in love get angry and plead for decisions, and finally say all words with their eyes. -- Montaigne

3. Experienced people use two eyes to read. One eye sees the words on the paper, and the other eye sees the back of the paper. -- Goethe

4. No matter what kind of ceiling or dome there is on a child's head, what is reflected in his eyes is heaven. -- Hugo

5. A person's brave and straightforward soul can observe with his own eyes, love with his own heart, and judge with his own reason. Don’t be a shadow, be a human being. -- Roman Manlan

6. Some people's eyes are as expressionless as oranges, and some people's eyes are like a well that you can fall into. -- Emerson

7. Do it yourself, move your own feet, and observe with your own eyes--this is the highest principle of our experimental work. --Pavlov

8. Eyes speak more eloquently and truthfully than words. -- Tuckerman

9. Eyes are the first to announce a tender love story. --Propacus

10. Eyes are inner indexes. --Ansty

11. Eyes are the windows of the soul, and one's intelligence and will can be seen through them. --Boas

12. If the eye has not become like the sun, it cannot see the sun; the same is true for the mind, if it is not beautiful, it cannot see beauty. --Plotin

13. The eye can see everything, but it cannot see itself. --Proverb

14. A lady's eyes are the bright stars of love. --Tennyson

15. The eyes of young people are burning with fire, and the eyes of old people are radiating light. -- Weilian

16. Women fall in love with their ears, but if men fall in love, they fall in love with their eyes. --Shakespeare

17. There is no one more blind than a person who does not use his eyes to see at all. --Swift