Official command sword 1 Swordsmanship Level 1 Nobility 1 50 0 0 8 5 0 0 Vital thrust
Second Lieutenant Command Sword 2 Swordsmanship Level 11 Nobility 2 100 0 0 15 10 0 0 Vital Thrust
Lieutenant Command Sword 3 Swordsmanship Level 21 Nobility 3 150 0 0 20 15 0 0 Critical Thrust
Captain Command Sword 4 Sword Skill 3
Level 1 knighthood 4 200 0 0 35 20 0 0 Vital thrust
Major command sword 5 Swordsmanship Level 41 knighthood 5 250 0 5 55 25 0 0 Vital thrust
Lieutenant colonel command sword 6 Swordsmanship level 51, knighthood 6 300 0 6 80 30 0 0 Vital thrust
Colonel commands sword 7 Swordsmanship level 61, knighthood 7 350 0 7 105 35 0 0 Vital thrust
Major general commands sword 8 Swordsmanship Level 71 Nobility 8 400 0 8 135 40 0 ??0 Critical Thrust
Lieutenant General Command Sword 9 Sword Skills Level 81 Nobility 9 450 0 9 175 45 0 0 Critical Thrust
Admiral Command Sword 10 Swordsmanship Level 91 Nobility 10 500 0 10 230 50 0 0 Vital Thrust
Flame Dragon Holy Sword 10 Swordsmanship Level 96 Nobility 9 550 0 11 250 65 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 1, damage limit increased 1. The critical hit rate attached to the equipment is 1, Commander's Wrath
Blue Dragon Holy Sword 10 Swordsmanship Level 97 Nobility 10 650 0 12 280 70 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5, the damage limit is increased by 5, and the equipment is included The critical hit rate is 5, Wrath of the Blue Dragon
Golden Dragon Holy Sword 10 Sword Skills Level 98 Nobility 11 750 0 13 310 75 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5, damage limit increased by 5, critical hit rate attached to the equipment 5. Wrath of the Golden Dragon
White Dragon Holy Sword 10 Swordsmanship Level 99 Nobility 12 850 0 14 340 80 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5, damage limit increased by 5, equipment critical hit rate 5, white Dragon's Wrath
Black Dragon Holy Sword 10 Swordsmanship Level 100 Nobility 12 950 0 15 375 85 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5, damage limit increased by 5, equipment's critical hit rate 5, Black Dragon's Wrath
Officer command sword 1 sword skill level 1 knighthood 1 50 0 0 8 5 0 0 continuous slashing
Second lieutenant command sword 2 sword skill level 11 knighthood 2 100 0 0 15 10 0 0 Continuous Slash
Lieutenant Command Sword 3 Sword Skills Level 21 Noble Rank 3 150 0 0 25 15 0 0 Continuous Slash
Captain Command Sword 4 Sword Skills 31 Rank 4 200 0 0 40 20 0 0 Continuous Slash
Major Command Sword 5 Sword Skills 41 Rank 5 250 0 5 70 25 0 0 Continuous Slash
Lieutenant Colonel Command Sword 6 Sword skill level 51, knighthood 6 300 0 6 95 30 0 0 continuous slashes
Colonel command sword 7 sword skills level 61, knighthood 7 350 0 7 125 35 0 0 continuous slashes
Major general Command sword with 8 sword skills, level 71 knighthood 8 400 0 8 165 40 0 ??0 continuous slashes
Lieutenant general command sword with 9 sword skills, level 81 knighthood 9 450 0 9 205 45 0 0 continuous slashes
Admiral's Command Sword 10 Sword Skills Level 91 Nobility 10 500 0 10 255 50 0 0 Continuous Slashing
Yanlong Saber 10 Sword Skills Level 96 Nobility 9 550 0 11 275 65 0 0 Passive Skill Activation Rate 5. The damage limit is increased by 5. The critical hit rate attached to the equipment is 5. Fury of the Flame Dragon
Green Dragon Saber 10. Sword Skill Level 97. Nobleship 10 650 0 12 305 70 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5. Damage The minimum limit is increased by 5, the critical hit rate attached to the equipment is 5, Fury of the Azure Dragon
Golden Dragon Saber 10, Sword Skills Level 98, Nobleship 11 750 0 13 335 75 0 0 Passive skill activation rate is 5, and the damage limit is increased by 5 , the critical hit rate attached to the equipment is 5, Fury of the Golden Dragon
White Dragon Saber 10 Sword Skill Level 99 Nobility 12 850 0 14 365 80 0 0 Passive Skills
The activation rate is 5, the damage limit is increased by 5, the critical hit rate attached to the equipment is 5, White Dragon's Fury
Black Dragon Saber 10, Sword Skill Level 100, Nobleship 12 950 0 15 400 85 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5 , the damage limit is increased by 5, the critical hit rate attached to the equipment is 5, Black Dragon's Fury
Official Battle Ax 1 Ax Skill Level 1 Nobility 1 50 0 0 8 5 0 0 Kill with all your strength
Second Lieutenant’s Tomahawk 2 Ax Skill Level 11 Nobility 2 100 0 0 15 10 0 0 Kill with all your strength
Lieutenant’s Battle Ax 3 Ax Skill Level 21 Nobility 3 150 0 0 30 15 0 0 Kill with all your strength
Captain's Tomahawk 4 Ax Skill Level 31 Nobility 4 200 0 0 45 20 0 0 Kill with all his strength
Major's Tomahawk 5 Ax Skill Level 41 Nobility 5 250 0 5 75 25 0 0 Kill with all your strength
Lieutenant Colonel Tomahawk 6 Ax Skills Level 51 Nobility Rank 6 300 0 6 105 30 0 0 Kill with all your strength
Colonel Tomahawk 7 Ax Skills Level 61 Rank 7 350 0 7 135 35 0 0 Kill with all your strength
Major General's Tomahawk 8 Ax Skills Level 71 Nobility 8 400 0 8 180 40 0 ??0 Kill with all your strength
Lieutenant General's Tomahawk 9 Skill Level 81 Nobility 9 450 0 9 230 45 0 0 Kill with all your strength
Admiral's Battle Ax 10 Ax Skill Level 91 Nobility 10 500 0 10 280 50 0 0 Kill with all your strength
Yanlong Battle Ax 10, Ax Skill Level 96, 9 550 0 11 295 65 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5, damage limit increased by 5, critical hit rate attached to the equipment 5, Fury of the Flame Dragon
Blue Dragon Battle Ax 10 Ax Skill Level 97 Nobility 10 650 0 12 320 70 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5, damage limit increased by 5, equipment critical hit rate 5, Green Dragon's Wrath
Golden Dragon Battle Ax 10 Ax Skill Level 98 title 11 750 0 13 350 75 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5, damage limit increased by 5, critical hit rate attached to the equipment 5, Fury of the Golden Dragon
White Dragon Battle Ax 10 Ax Skill Level 99 Rank 12 850 0 14 380 80 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5, damage limit increased by 5, critical hit rate attached to equipment 5, Wrath of the White Dragon
Black Dragon Battle Ax 10 Ax Skill Level 100 Rank 12 950 0 15 415 85 0 0 The passive skill activation rate is 5, the damage limit is increased by 5, the critical hit rate attached to the equipment is 5, Black Dragon's Fury
Official gun 1 Marksmanship level 1, knighthood 1 50 0 0 15 5 0 0 critical sniper kill
Second lieutenant with gun 2 Marksmanship level 11 knighthood 2 100 0 0 20 10 0 0 critical sniper kill
Lieutenant Equipped with Gun 3 Marksmanship Level 21 Knight Rank 3 150 0 0 35 15 0 0 Critical Sniper Kill
Captain Equipped with Gun 4 Marksmanship Level 31 Knight Rank 4 200 0 0 50 20 0 0 Critical Kill Kill
Major with gun 5 marksmanship level 41 knighthood 5 250 0 5 100 25 0 0 key sniper kill
Lieutenant colonel equipped with gun 6 marksmanship level 51 knighthood 6 300 0 6 135 30 0 0 Key sniper kill
Colonel with gun 7 marksmanship level 61 knighthood 7 350 0 7 160 35 0 0 key sniper kill
Major general equipped with gun 8 marksmanship level 71 knighthood 8 400 0 8 195 40 0 ??0 Vital sniper kills
Lieutenant General with 9 guns and 81 marksmanship. Rank 9 450 0 9 235 45 0 0 Vital snipers
Admiral with 10 guns and 91 marksmanship. Level 10 500 0 10 315 50 0 0 Key Sniper
Fire Dragon Musket 10 Shooting Skill 96 Level 9 550
0 15 325 65 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5, damage limit increased by 5, critical hit rate attached to the equipment 5, Fury of the Flame Dragon
Blue Dragon Musket 10 Shooting Skill Level 97 Nobility 10 650 0 20 350 70 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5, damage limit increased by 5, critical hit rate attached to the equipment 5, Fury of the Azure Dragon
Golden Dragon Musket 10 Shooting Skill Level 98 Nobility 11 750 0 25 375 75 0 0 Passive Skill activation rate 5, damage limit increased by 5, critical hit rate attached to the equipment 5, Fury of the Golden Dragon
White Dragon Musket 10 Marksmanship Level 99 Nobility 12 850 0 30 400 80 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5. The damage limit is increased by 5, the critical hit rate attached to the equipment is 5, White Dragon's Fury
Black Dragon Musket 10, Marksmanship Level 100, 12 950 0 35 425 85 0 0 Passive skill activation rate 5, damage The minimum limit is increased by 5, the critical hit rate attached to the equipment is 5, Black Dragon's Fury
LZ, are you confused... Do you want martial arts or fantasy?