1. Get the band where the object currently pointed by the mouse is located.
string str_band
str_band=GetBandAtPointer() //Get the band where the object currently pointed by the mouse is located. Band area
str_band=left(str_band, (pos(str_band,'~t') - 1))//Get "header", "detail", etc.
if str_bandlt; gt; 'header' then return //Click the non-header area to exit
2. Get the column object name pointed by the mouse
str_object=GetObjectAtPointer() //Get the current mouse pointer Refers to the object name
str_object=left(str_object, (pos(str_object,'~t') - 1))
//Get the column object name (default is column name_t is the column title)
str_column=left(str_object, (len(str_title) - 2))
//Determine whether the name is a column name
if this.describe(str_column ".band")='!' then return //It is not a column name, that is, the column title is not named according to normal rules.
3. Get the current row, column, total rows and columns //this is for the data window
li_col = this.GetColumn()
li_ColCount = long (describe(this, "datawindow.column.count"))
ll_row = this.GetRow()
ll_RowCount = this.RowCount()
/ /Set the current row and column
scrolltorow(this, ll_Row)
setrow(this, ll_Row)
setcolumn(this, li_col)
4. Get all column titles
ll_colnum = Long(dw_1.object.datawindow.column.count)
for i = 1 to ll_colnum
//Get the name of the title header
ls_colname = dw_1.describe('#' string(i) ".name") "_t"
ls_value = dw_1.describe(ls_colname ".text")
5. How to use code to obtain the value of the calculated column in the data window summary?
String ls_value
ls_value = dw_1.Describe("Evaluate("'compute_1', 1)")
//If it is a numeric type, it needs to be converted.