How to add flowers to Tik Tok's name

Tik Tok's name can be written in the form of words and characters, and flowers can be added by input method. Many input methods have this function, such as Baidu input method, Iflytek input method, sogou input method and so on. I will use sogou input method to demonstrate in Tik Tok. The specific steps are as follows:

Sogou input method version is the latest 1 1. 10.0.

Let me take the latest version of Tik Tok 22.7.0 as an example.

1. Open the "I" interface of Tik Tok, click the personal name above to enter the data editing interface (as shown in the figure below):

2. Click on the name column to modify the name (as shown in the figure below):

3. Enter "Flower" in the input method, and a flower expression package will be matched (as shown below):

4. Click Save, and the name with flower pattern will be ready (as shown below):