How do lay people visit and address their monks?

When you enter the guest room for the first time, you should worship Buddha first and then bow to the guest teacher. When bowing to the mage, don't bow to the mage, but bow to the Buddha statue. When bowing to the mage, he said: Disciple XXX bowed three times to know the guest and the teacher, and the mage asked for information. If he said it once, he would worship. You can't go against the teacher's instruction and insist on it three times. When you visit Master, you should snap your fingers or knock on the door, and you can only go in with Master's permission. If there is a door curtain, it should be gently lifted when entering and leaving, and then gently put down. Clean up your dignity in front of master. Don't be rude or playful. If you have any questions, you must stand up and ask the teacher. Mr. Lu Yu was standing by and crossing his hands. Don't get too close to your host. Don't say useless things or talk about other people's right and wrong in front of master. Don't scratch in front of your master. If you yawn or sneeze, cover your mouth with sleeves. Always seek wisdom from Master Jing Yi. The master's instructions should be obeyed, but not obeyed. Bow and thank you every time you listen to master's instructions. If you are accused by master, you can't be resentful. You should reflect on yourself and confess to Master softly. Don't step on master's shadow. Don't call the mage by his first name. When you want to ask your family name and legal number. Generally, you can ask: What's the name of the master? Up and down refers to the two words in the French number. For example, a monk's dharma name is Yuan, so he is the lower edge. Don't ask Master's surname, because all family members take Shi (Sakyamuni) as their surname, and it is customary to match them only by dharma number. When calling a dharma number, you should not call it by its first name, but generally call a mage. Don't just call monks by their dharma names, but treat older monks as elders, old wizards, old monks, masters or wizards. Older monks should be called teachers, nuns, mages, masters, etc. Don't call my name in front of the teacher. When you call yourself a late student, pupil, late student, late student, scholar or disciple, student, etc. Look at the relationship, you don't have to say that you are unwise, incompetent, incompetent and obscene. If you want to see the abbot, you must contact in advance, either by yourself or in the reception hall, and you must not be an uninvited guest. If you get the owner's permission to enter the owner's cabin, you are not allowed to peek at all the letters and documents, and you are not allowed to rummage around. When talking to the mage, concentrate and don't daydream. Don't be disturbed when the mage eats, sleeps and washes. Men and women can't go to master bhikshuni's residence alone, but more than two people should go together. When you arrive at the temple, male laymen are not allowed to talk to monks in secluded places, and female laymen are not allowed to talk to monks in secluded places. When you go to the temple Dojo, you shouldn't wander around and peek around, even if the window of the room is not closed properly, you can't visit it. To find someone, you should wait in the living room. Don't worship the mage when traveling, sitting, chanting, meditating, shaving, taking a bath, going to the toilet, taking a boat, sleeping, lying down, etc. In addition to chanting, getting sick, shaving and working, monks are not allowed to stand up when they pass by. When Master calls, you should cross your hands and answer Amitabha! Don't become sworn brothers and sisters with monks. Please show me and make an appointment. The teacher asked questions and answered them truthfully. Don't interrupt the mage when he is talking to the guest. If you have anything to report, stand aside and wait to say hello. Don't interrupt hastily. If there is an important emergency, be sure to say sorry first! Then ask for instructions. You shouldn't talk to a mage when he is chanting, writing, having a class or having a rest. Don't talk about your family's fault, and don't criticize monks at will.