Long Guangzu: A man, who entered the DPRK as an official, was a scholar and was at odds with Zhang, who was in charge of state affairs. Zhang is a man with both advantages and disadvantages. Later, Long Guangzu was re-appointed, became the official department minister, and re-appointed a large number of officials who were excluded by Zhong Zhang. Long Guangzu also recommended many talents to the imperial court, all of whom can contribute to the country and the people.
Longkodo: Minister of Kangxi and Yongzheng in Qing Dynasty. Manchu people holding yellow flags. The third son, Tong Guowei, is the younger brother of Tong Jiashi, the empress of Saint Xiao Yiren. Long Ke was not only a minister in the Kangxi Dynasty, but also an infantry commander, who held the security forces in the capital. When Qing Sheng died, Wang was the only one who was taken care of. He participated in the seizure of power by Sejong Yin Zhen in the Qing Dynasty. Sejong was founded because of Nian Gengyao, and because there were many dragons inside. Sejong ascended the throne and was appointed as one of the four ministers of prime minister affairs. As a senior official of the official department, Jia Taibao was extremely favored, calling him an uncle, not a name. All the officials were elected without invitation, and the number was "Xuan Tong". Subsequently, he was quickly dismissed from his post as commander-in-chief of the infantry to weaken his excessive power. Longkodo has always been closely related to Nian Gengyao, Governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi. Yongzheng three years (1725), defeated by. Longkodo was sentenced to join the Party with Nian Gengyao, favoring Justine and cutting Taibao. For four years, I didn't study, and I was asked to take care of frontier affairs such as Altai. Search for life and discuss the Russian border. In June of five years, a private banknote jade died. Luo Zhi accused him of building a house outside Changchun Garden, and he was imprisoned forever. In June of six years, he died in the detention center.
Longcheng: Lingyin in Ming Dynasty.
Yin Youlong Huan, Qin Youchu Sima Longhuai and Han Longhua served as priests from Tingwei, while Song Runing was the magistrate of Jianchang, Long was the secretariat of Taiyuan, Longcheng Li Jin was the juror of Nangong County, Jinlong Gong Shi Hongzhi was the magistrate of Shandong, Qi Long Li Jin was the juror of Zhongtai Xingxian County, and Long Ying Li Jin was the juror of Xuande County.