Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio will do. It should be better than dbvis
For dbvis, there is a database tab on the left-right click-to create a database connection.
Then, in the tab of database connection, fill in the contents respectively:
Set the format and select the server information.
Name: Give me any name.
Database type: Sql Server
Driver (JDBC):SQL Server(jTDS)
Database server: localhost (if it is local, otherwise just fill in the ip)
Database port: 1433
Database: This is the name of your database.
If you create a new user yourself, please modify it.
Database password: user password.
Automatic submission: the general choice of this sqlserver is that Oracle developers generally choose No, that is, whether to automatically submit sql statements after running. This is just a habit. It's up to you.
For the rest, just use the default.
And save something, that's all.