The banquet in Confucius' house follows the rank of monarch, minister and son, and the specifications are different. Because of the special position of Confucius in the feudal dynasty, it was preserved and was the official dish of the Qianlong period. There are basically two types of Confucian cooking. First, the banquet diet; One is a daily family meal. Banquet dishes and home-cooked dishes are sometimes shared by each other, but cooking is different.
Confucian cuisine pays attention to the integrity of modeling, which does not hurt the skin or bones. It is difficult to master the seasoning and molding of the heat. The specialties of Confucius include grilled basket mandarin fish, roast duck, roast suckling pig, yipin tofu, longevity soup and so on.
There is a kind of dish in Confucius' house, ranging from rice porridge, pancakes, pickles and tofu to bean sprouts, Toona sinensis, eggs and eggplant. These snacks, which are often eaten by the people, have been carefully prepared by Confucius chefs and become unique dishes of Confucius. The principle is "fine cooking, fine cooking with sugar". Therefore, the dishes of Confucius' family are also unique.
Bean sprouts, which are germinated and rooted, are fried quickly in clear oil, crisp and refreshing, and are appreciated by Emperor Qianlong. Toona sinensis bud is also a common vegetable in western Shandong in spring. Confucius collected several hundred kilograms of good Toona sinensis buds every year.
In Confucius' home cooking, local products are often used to cook various dishes. There are only dozens of "shrimp" dishes, such as Dai Yu shrimp, Yuqian shrimp, Emerald shrimp, Sanxian shrimp, pine nut shrimp, sufu shrimp and so on.