When filling in the Chinese pinyin of your name, how should you spell it?

Take Chinese names as an example:

The correct pinyin writing format of a name is: the pinyin of the surname comes first, the first letter is capitalized, there is a space between the surname and the first name, and the first letter is capitalized.

Last name comes first, first name comes last.

For example: Zhang San pinyin writing: Zhang San

Zhou Guiyou: Zhou Guiyou

The Chinese name spelling is as follows:

(1) Chinese names are divided into two parts: surname and first name. Write the first and last names separately. (Yang/Li, Yang/Weimin)

(2) Compound surnames written consecutively. (Ouyang/Text)

(3) Pseudonym (pseudonym) is spelled as the real name.

(4) If there is a customary Latin spelling method and it is common in books and periodicals, it can be annotated in brackets or notes when necessary.

3. Names in ethnic minority languages ??are transliterated and transliterated using Chinese pinyin letters according to the ethnic language, and the order of division and concatenation is in accordance with ethnic customs.

The "Method for transliteration and transliteration of Chinese pinyin letters of place names in ethnic minority languages" can be applied to the transliteration and transliteration of personal names.

4. Each consecutive part of the name should start with a capital letter.

5. Chinese names can omit the key mark in external documents and books.