Wang Qihou, a scholar in Xincheng, is the great-grandson of Wang Xiangkun, a political envoy. One day, Wang Xiucai saw a fat, dark and unattractive woman enter the room and sat on the bed near him with a smile, looking very dissolute. Wang Xiucai hurried out to drive her away, but the woman lingered. From then on, whether sitting or lying down, Wang Xiucai will always see this woman in front of him. He has made up his mind not to be tempted. The woman became angry from embarrassment and raised her hand to hit Wang Xiucai in the face. Wang did not feel any pain. The woman tied the belt to the beam again, grabbed Wang Xiucai's hair and forced him to hang himself with herself. Wang Xiucai involuntarily followed Liang, put his head into the hanger and made a gesture of hanging. Wang Xiucai was witnessed standing upright in midair without touching the ground, but he could not die.
Since then, Wang Xiucai has suffered from madness. One day, he suddenly said, "She wants to jump into the river with me!" " "After that, he rushed to the river. Fortunately, someone found him and dragged him back. Every day, in every way, several times a day. It is useless for the family to let the witch take medicine. One day, I suddenly saw a samurai with a chain come in angrily and shouted at the woman, "How dare you bully such a simple and honest man!" " "Then he put an iron chain around the woman's neck and dragged her out of the window lattice. Just dragged into the yard, the woman turned into a monster with lightning eyes and a big mouth. It suddenly occurred to someone that one of the four mud ghosts in the Chenghuang Temple looks like this monster. Since then, Wang Xiucai's illness has recovered.
Source: Pu Songling's Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio
Step 2 paint the skin
At the end of Ming Dynasty, a scholar named Wang Sheng met a homeless girl on the road in Taiyuan. This girl is young and beautiful. Wang Sheng takes her home, hides her in a secret room and makes love every day. Unexpectedly, this woman was changed by an evil spirit who specializes in eating people's hearts. In fact, "the face is emerald, the teeth are like saws, the skin is spread on the couch, and colored strokes are used." I have thrown a pen, raised my skin like a vibrating dress, put it on my body and turned into a woman. " Later, this demon was discovered by a Taoist priest, but the Taoist priest was kind-hearted and thought that "this thing is also good and bitter." If you can find a substitute, you can't bear to hurt its life. " Let Wang Sheng hang a dust shower at home to scare her away. Unexpectedly, the demon got better treatment, so he cut out Wang Sheng's heart in embarrassment and ran away. The Taoist priest was furious. "I pity it, but the devil dares!" "So I killed it easily with magic. In the end, he also came back to life with the efforts of his wife Chen.
Source: Pu Songling's Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio
3. Nigger
Li Zongzhen, a native of Jiaozhou, once bought two niggers. Nigger is black as paint, and the skin on his feet is thick. Put the knife up and put it on a road, and the nigger can walk back and forth on it without any injury. Li Zongzhen matched a prostitute for the nigger, but the son was white. Colleagues and servants in the town joked with the nigger that his son was not his kind. The nigger also became suspicious, so he killed his son and found that the bone was black, only to regret it. The whole town often asks two niggers to dance, but the dance is still worth seeing.
Source: Pu Songling's Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio
4. Ghost officials
Two courtiers in Licheng County, Jinan, were ordered by county magistrate Han Chengxuan to go to other counties to handle affairs, and did not come back until the end of the year. I met two people on the road, dressed like a business trip, and left together. During the conversation, the two claimed to be county catchers. The official said, "Nine times out of ten, we know the police in Jinan, but you two have never met." The two men said, "To tell you the truth, we are ghosts of the Chenghuang Temple, and we are going to Mount Tai to send official documents to Emperor Dongyue."
The official asked, "What can I do for you?" A: "There will be a great robbery in Jinan. The official document presented is the name and number of the deceased." The chief asked the death toll in horror, and the ghost official said, "We don't know, about one million people." The officer asked the time again, and the answer was "New Year's Day". The two chiefs looked at each other in surprise, and it was already New Year's Eve when they arrived in Jinan. I'm afraid I'll have trouble going back, and I'm afraid I'll be punished by the county magistrate if I delay going back. The ghost said, "breaking the deadline is a small crime, and losing your life is a great disaster." You have to hide somewhere else as soon as possible, don't go back yet. " The leader followed the advice of the ghost officer.
Not long after, the Qing soldiers went south and slaughtered Jinan, killing millions of people and leaving corpses everywhere. Second, the chief survived because he escaped.
5. Ghost wife
Nie Peng Yun from Taian has a good relationship with his wife. After his wife died of illness, he was depressed and insane all day.
One night, he was sitting in his room when his wife suddenly opened the door and came in. He was surprised and asked, "Why are you here?" The wife smiled and said, "I have become a ghost, moved by your deep condolences, and begged the supervisor to allow me to see you for a while." Nie was so happy that he took his wife to bed and felt no different from her life. From then on, day and night, in a blink of an eye for more than a year, Nie never mentioned marrying again. The brothers in the clan were afraid that he was broken and privately advised him to remarry. Nie listened and hired a good woman. But he kept it a secret for fear that his ghost wife would be unhappy. Soon, on the wedding day, the ghost wife knew about it and scolded him: "I came to see you at the risk of being sent to the underworld because Lang Jun talked about the friendship between husband and wife; Who knows what if you don't keep your promise? "Nie said this is the meaning of people. Ghost wife is always unhappy and leaves without making out with him. Nie felt sorry for him, but he realized his plan of remarriage and felt relieved.
On the wedding night, after the couple slept, the ghost daughter-in-law suddenly came, slapped the new daughter-in-law from the bed and cursed: "How dare you take my bed!" " "The new wife got up and fought with her. Nie frighten naked squatting on the bed, a also dare not to protect. After a while, the rooster crowed at dawn and the ghost left.
The new wife suspects that Nie's wife is not dead and accuses her husband of lying to himself and trying to hang himself. Nie told her the reason, and the new wife believed it. It's getting dark, ghosts are coming, and the new wife is scared to avoid it; The ghost no longer sleeps with Nie, but pinches his flesh with his nails, and then glowers at the candle without saying a word. Nie is so worried. Someone in the neighboring village can exorcise ghosts, cut down mahogany pegs and wedge them in the four corners of her grave to stop being haunted.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio