You cannot type Chinese directly in the name field
About this issue. . . You first enter the room, whether it is created by you or someone else. After entering, type the Chinese you want, then press "Shift home", then press "Ctrl c" to copy, then exit the room, and "Ctrl" where you enter the name. V" and paste it to OK
1. Start World of Warcraft
2. Enter the LAN game and create a game
3. Enter what you want in the chat window Chinese name (up to 4 Chinese characters)
For example: Kneel down and beg for defeat
4. At this time, the cursor is behind the word "defeat" and hold down the Shift key
Press 4 times respectively
The left button of the direction key is "←"
5. At this time, you will find that "Kneel down and beg for defeat" are all selected
6. Press the Ctrl key and the "C" key at the same time
7. At this time, return to the LAN page (that is, there is "Create, Join")
8. Press "Backspace" several times in the name column, and then press "Delete"_ (clear the name)
9. This Press the Ctrl key and the "V" key at the same time
10. Okay, successfully pulled!
My original name is Chinese, and I want to change it to a Chinese or English name:
Press "Backspace" a few more times, and then press it a few more times. "Delete"_(clear the name)
Change it to the name you want
Key points:
Press "Backspace" a few more times, and then press a few more times "Delete"_(clear the name)