With social media buzzing about possible castings for the next Batman movie, and concerns that some candidates might not be e
With social media buzzing about possible castings for the next Batman movie, and concerns that some candidates might not be enough of a threat to fill those big black boots, now might be the time to take another look The majestic and powerful bat image in Mesoamerican mythology - Camazotz, Camazotz (meaning "death bat" in the K'iche'Mayan language of Guatemala) originated from the depths of Mesoamerican mythology. A dangerous cave-dwelling bat creature.
A cult of worship for this creature began among the Zapotec Indians of Oaxaca, Mexico, and the figure was later taken to the temple of the Mayan Quechi tribe , the legend of the bat god was later recorded in Mayan literature, and bats were considered threatening animals in many cultures.
They are nocturnal and therefore associated with the night, which is often associated with death.
Many common species also have a relatively strange appearance, which makes them all the more annoying to humans.
It doesn't help that there is one species that actually sucks blood (the vampire bat, De ***odus Rotundus), in Mayan culture, the bat god Camazotz is related to death.
Camazotz is also the name of a monster that lives in the city of Popovu in a place called the "House of the Bat" In a cave.
Most scholars believe that Camazotz was inspired by the common vampire bat, but others believe that it is based on a giant vampire bat that (possibly) Extinct during the epoch or Holocene.
0), in the ancient Mayan mythological text Popol Vuh, Zotzilaha was a Camazotz The name of a cave inhabited by a monster with a nearly humanoid body, the head of a bat, and a nose resembling a flint knife.
The monster is said to strike its victims in the neck and decapitate them.
In Bobo Woo, it is recorded that this creature decapitated the Mayan hero Hunapu.
Camazotz was also one of the four animal demons that wiped out humans during the First Sun Age. The Mayan hero Hunapu is about to be attacked by Camazotz.
Bat-like demons and monsters are common in South and Central America.
Another example of this type of story The Chonchon of Peru and Chile is believed to have been created by a wizard known as kaku who performed magical rituals that caused his severed head to grow huge ears and claws upon death.
Huge ears turned into wings.
The ubiquitous legend of the giant bat monster has led many archaeologists to propose that the monster had a basis in an encounter with a real animal - such as a vampire bat.
Vampire bats are prized for their historical ties to bloodletting and blood donation.
However, the legend may come from giant bats that existed during the Pleistocene or early Holocene epochs - a species that remains today Bats that existed.
In 1988, fossils of vampire bats were discovered in the Mongas province of Venezuela.
The bat was 25 times larger than modern vampire bats and was called Desmodu Dracula, known as the giant vampire bat, is found in the Yucatan Peninsula, Belize, northern Brazil and Venezuela.
In 2000, a Dracula tooth was discovered in Argentina , this tooth is located further south in the modern range of the genus Desmodus.
It is difficult to determine exactly when Dracula became extinct, or if it became extinct at all.
To date , all sites aged between the late Pleistocene and late Holocene.
(CC-BY-SA), The age of a recently discovered D. Draculae site 300 BP (approximately 1650 AD).
The latest age of Mesoamerica is difficult to determine, but may be the late Pleistocene or Holocene.
These dates make D.
p>Draculae likely coexisted with humans in South America and the central United States, where humans
species may have come into contact with D. draculae, although by the late Holocene they would have been extremely rare.
In addition to this evidence, mysterious sightings of mysterious bats or bat-like creatures .
The earliest sighting occurred in 1947, when Harrison claimed to have seen several large flying creatures described as giant bats (although others claimed they were living pterosaurs).
In the early 1950s, a Brazilian couple claimed they encountered a bat-like creature in the same valley in Brazil where Dracula's fossils were found.
Another incident occurred. In 1975, an animal cruelty broke out in Puerto Rico.
A farmer said he was repeatedly attacked by two gray bird-like creatures.
During the cruelty outbreak Throughout the course of the show, other people also saw the creatures.
Another sighting occurred in Texas in the mid-1970s, when a farmer claimed he encountered a bald bat or Pterosaurs with short beaks and gorilla-like faces.
It is said that the three-toed prints of this creature were also found, and it was the bat god of the Zapotek period.
(Mary Halsey/CC by NC SA 2.
0), Common Vampire Bat, D.
Rotondes has an 8-inch (20.
32 cm) wingspan. Since D. Draculae is 25 cm larger, it requires more blood and may attack larger animals—perhaps even humans.
Needless to say Doubtful that an attack by a rare giant bat would spark legends of supernatural monsters, the fossilized skulls of Desmodus Dracula (left) and the common vampire bat Desmodus Rotondus are compared.
(Illustration by Jan Freedman, based on data from Morgan et al.
1988) Despite tantalizing fossil evidence and strange stories of encounters with giant bats, there are currently no conclusive Evidence suggests that Dracula was common enough to be encountered regularly by the ancient inhabitants of South and Central America, or that the giant vampire bat is still alive today and therefore could be the creature reported among giant bat sightings, though , fossil evidence suggests that D.