Guo comes from Ji's surname. In Xiguo and Dongguo, Wang Di Guo Shu was named. Xiguan is between Yu and Zheng. Moving eastward, he seized the land of his uncle Guo He, and attacked Zhou by Lu Hun's army, blaming the king of Qi for destroying Guo. So, Wang Ping asked Guo Shu's grandson's order and sealed it in Yangqu, Duke Guo of posthumous title. Guo called Guo, but his voice turned because he thought it was a stone.
At the end of the later Han Dynasty, Quan Guo, a senior farmer, lived in Yangqu and was born. Clouds are pregnant, Pei and Zhen. Town, bow and servant shooting, Changping Hou. The descendants migrated to Yingchuan. The discussion on the origin of the Guo family shows that being sealed in Yangqu changed from "Guo" to "Guo".
This is a classic treatise on the ancestor Guo and the origin of Guo. As can be seen from this historical data, the descendants of Guo Shu, his younger brother, were sealed in Yangqu and were the ancestors of the Guo family. Since then, the Guo family has flourished all over the world.
Extended data:
Guo celebrity
First, Guo Wei?
During the Warring States Period, from 35/kloc-0 to 297, Yan Zhaowang, a guest of Yan State, was a counselor. .
Second, Guo Jia
Eastern Han Dynasty 170-207, Yangchai, Yingchuan, was a famous counselor of Cao Cao.
Third, Guo Huai.
Wei of the Three Kingdoms? —— In 255, Taiyuan Yangqu was a general of Cao Wei.
Fourth, Guo Ziyi.
Tang dynasty, 697-78 1 year, was born in Zheng county, Huazhou, a politician and strategist.
Verb (abbreviation of verb) Guo Shoujing
Yuan Dynasty, 123 1 year-13 16, Xingtai, Shunde, was an astronomer and mathematician.
Baidu encyclopedia-Guo surname
China News Network-Shanxi Yangqu: the birthplace of the Guo family in the world