Before "The Name", many films had already completed this process - from stage to screen. Among them are Alain Resnais' "How Many Times of Spring and How Many Frosts", Joseph L. Mankiewicz's "The Detective", Jean-Marie Poiret's "Santa Claus Is Trash" and Francis Wei "The Dinner Game" by Bo.
The film's producer Dimitri Hassan is the son of Jean-Pierre Hassan, who is Claude Berry's brother-in-law. Therefore, Thomas Langman, the son of Bay's and the producer of "The Artist", was Dimitri Hassan's cousin.
Valerie Benguigui has named her two sons Caesar and Abraham, but has had to face the objections of her parents. So she and her husband decided in the clinic the morning Abraham was born that they would call their son Eli. But they were very doubtful about whether there was a name starting with "Airy" (Westerners' formal names are very long, and they usually use the beginning as a nickname), and finally got back the name they originally thought of. "Now everyone is happy!" Valerie Benguigui smiled.
Guillaume de Donguidac’s name may not be familiar to you, but he has indeed played supporting roles many times in movies ("Dead in Paris", "Let Us Tell of a Rainy Day", "Two Long Days", "Best Friends", etc.), and he is also famous on the television screen.