2, Adidas shoulder bag: To say good-looking brand shoulder bag, Adidas brand has to mention. Adidas and Nike are both well-known sports brands in China. The difference between Adidas products and Nike products is that Adidas products are gradually becoming fashionable, while Nike still gives people the feeling of being tall. Adidas shoulder bag is full of life breath, carrying and matching gives you a style and a full youth culture.
3. Li Ning shoulder bag: What brands are there in China shoulder bag? The shoulder bag of sports and leisure model The first brand that people think of is Li Ning. As the big brother of domestic sports brands, Li Ning takes the route of life-oriented leisure products, which can be carried by people of any age. Li Ning's shoulder bag has a simple version and simple color matching without losing its monotony. The storage space planning of this outsourcing bag is reasonable, and it can be used to place certificates or documents, which is convenient and practical and can be used in many occasions.
4. Puma shoulder bag: Puma is a German sports brand and put forward a brand-new slogan: Forever Faster. In addition to designing and providing professional sports equipment, Puma shoes and clothing are also very popular among young people all over the world in hip-hop graffiti culture.