The Shang dynasty had strict rules about ding, which was used to show the status of the royal family: scholars used one or three ding, medical five ding, and kings used seven ding. Only the son of heaven could use Jiuding as a gift when offering sacrifices to the ancestors of heaven and earth. Therefore,' Ding' naturally became a symbol of state power, and then became a national treasure.
After Zhou Wuwang destroyed the company, he publicly displayed Jiuding. After Zhou Chengwang acceded to the throne, Zhou Gongdan built Luoyi, moved Jiuding to the city, and asked Wang Cheng to personally preside over the ceremony and put Jiuding in the hall. Zhou Benji, a historical book, records: "Soochow won a great victory and ordered it to camp in Luoyi. Duke of Zhou resumed divination, died and built, and lived in Jiuding.
The princes could only use seven ding, which is the rule of etiquette, but after the early years of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty declined and the princes began to covet the imperial power. When Zhou Ding was in office, Chu Zhuangwang first became king in Luoyi, but was rejected by King Sun Man of Chow Tai Fook. King Chu Ling once wanted to win the championship, but failed because of domestic rebellion. (Eight years, I cut Lu Hunrong, and then I went to Luo to see the surrounding suburban soldiers. King Ding of Zhou made his grandson work for the King of Chu. The king of Chu won the title of minor subject and said to him, "Virtue is not in the tripod. Although Zhou De declined, his fate remained unchanged. The weight of the tripod can't be asked. " The king of Chu returns.
Jiuding is synonymous with China and a symbol of the supremacy of kingship and the unity and prosperity of the country.