There is a saying in the Book of Changes: The Yellow Emperor Yao Shun "hangs down his clothes to rule the world". It is recorded that the word "clothes" appeared, and the clothing system is the highest form of Chinese civilized dress etiquette.
Book of Songs Li Feng Green Clothes: "Huang Shang in Green Clothes."
Mao Zhuan: "Up to the clothes, down to the clothes." The ancients first wore a "dress" similar to a skirt. The word "Shang" is also written as "Chang". Said: "Often, I spit." "Cue" is an archaic word for skirts.
Shang, the product increases. Being apart from eight is like being together. Sounds like.
The basic definition is still, respect, conceit, a long time ago, almost.
Fashion can be understood as "a phenomenon that can be seen everywhere in the streets during this period"; Fashion refers to the popular phenomenon; Or do you mean to go further on the basis of known facts? Being waited refers to waiting for a period of time on the basis of known facts; Not yet, which means "everyone knows not yet", and so on.