Html page frame

Html page frames can be divided into internal frames and external frames.

Frame: Multiple independent pages, combined into a complete page.

Frame Page: To use a frame page, please delete the text in the frame page first.

& lt frameset cols/rows = ""frameborder = "">

& ltframe src = " " noresize = " noresize " & gt;

& ltframe src = " " noresize = " noresize " & gt;

& ltframe src = " " noresize = " noresize " & gt;


& lt/frameset & gt;

Frame: frame (outer frame), which divides the page into several small areas.

Columns: page split left and right

Line: Split the page up and down

Frame border: skeleton showing/hiding

Framse: This area introduces the page.

Src: the path of the incoming page.

Repair the skeleton of two adjacent areas.

If an area is divided after page division, delete the frame corresponding to the area and change it to a frameSet tag.

Internal frame: an area in the whole page, which is independent and places another single page.

& ltiframe width = " " height = " " src = " " frame border = " " name = " " & gt; & lt/iframe & gt;

Width: the width of the inner frame.

Height: the height of the inner frame.

Src: the path to the web page.

Frame borders: borders

Name: Give a name.